Chapter |9| Sex God

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E M E R Y ' S P. O. V

"Are you ready?" I nod desperately, reaching for the buttons on his shirt.

It's been weeks since our first date and everything has been perfect. Complete of me falling in love with man.

It's crazy, but I love him. In mere spans of a few months, I am in love. Fuck, I don't think I've ever been in love before.

Not like this. Not enrapturing love that consumes every part of me.

I sleep thinking of him, I smile thinking of him, everything I do is just a stepping stone until I can finally see him again.

God, if my mom could see me now.

I'm a mess around him, he melts all the confidence and independence I've built up until I'm nothing but a puddle of water for him to ripple across.

That sounds...horrible in context, but trust me, it feels beautiful.

I need to let go. Kai does that for me. He takes away my problems and my worries and all the stress built into me as a doctor. It all fades with him, and I finally feel free.

Then why? Why am I hesitating ripping the clothes off this man and fucking him senseless?

It's all I've wanted for weeks now, all I've craved, the only fantasy I've masturbated to.

This moment should be easy. Instead, I'm still fumbling with his stupid shirt.

"Fuck." I rip a few buttons in my angst. Shit.

I glance up at Kai, expecting him to look completely disgusted at this crazy woman before him that just destroyed his personal property.

"Was that expensive?" I can pay him back...but knowing his taste, it's likely the shirt was cost me a few pay checks.

"Emery, what's wrong?"

"I ripped your shirt." I mumble stupidly.

I feel his body shake with light laughter. "Baby, I own a hundred of these fucking shirts. I don't care about that, if anything it turns me on." His laughter dissipates, realising I'm serious, and he tilts my chin up. "Hey, what's wrong?"

"I don't...I don't know. Honestly, I've wanted to do this for long but I guess I'm nervous. Really fucking nervous."

"We don't have to sex tonight. I can wait, if that's what you're worried about."

"It's not that. I trust you Kai, I do, but I'm scared. What happens after? After the chase is over and you've got me completely. What if it's not enough? What if you get bored?"

God, I feel like an idiot for saying it, but my insecurities are bubbling to the rough surface.

Gently, he cups my hand and pulls me onto my bed. Our knees brush, we're so close together, and I can't help but stare his lips.

His freaking smile turns me on. It's insane but it's true. Amiss all of this man's godly perfection, I'm attracted to that most of all.

Kai ducks his head to kiss me. His forefinger tilts my chin up, letting him deepen the kiss, just before pulling back.

"I will never be bored with you Emery. You're a firecracker, you keep me on my toes like no one else in this fucking world. Do you how fucking obsessed with you I am? It's creepy, really you should take out a restraining order against me."

I can't help but laugh, fighting tears that crease my eyes.

"You Emery, are special in so many ways. I've been celibate for months now. That's longest I've ever been without sex since I lost my virginity, and the funny thing is, I don't miss it. The only thing my body craves is you, and I promise you that will never change."

𝐾 𝐴 𝐼 Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora