Chapter |11| Promise

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E M E R Y ' S   P. O. V

"So Mrs Likener, it's definitely not tuberculosis."

"But I was coughing! A lot, and there was mucus. It was thick and sticky and I...I couldn't breathe."

"Have you taken your free flu vaccinations yet?"

The grey haired woman bristled and turned away from me. "You know it's all a sham. They put rat droppings and computer chips and all sorts in that."

Oh god. I'm tired of all the hoax stuff surrounding vaccinations. Recently a false report was leaked in the news which was entirely unapproved, stating how vaccinations are actually plots for the government to track everyone.

"I assure you the vaccinations we supply are medically approved and safe to use. I could give you one now if..."

"I'm alright. I'll just go home and suffer alone, I guess." She sniffs, harking in the throes of a cold she won't admit she has and grabs her purse before fleeing my office.

I glance over my appointments for the day and I'm fully booked. No time for the fifteen minute break I had been looking forward to all day. Kai and I planned to exchange gifts for our five month anniversary.

He's working tonight, and I finish at eight, so we tend to miss each other a lot, despite living together. Kai slowly migrated into my apartment until we both realised he hadn't been home in weeks.

Now we're looking at new places together. The entire thing is surreal and exciting. It makes my long shifts bearable, as though a stepping stone to see him.

My phone buzzes with his name alight.


"Hey yourself, how's work?" Just at the sound of his voice all my anxiety dissipates.

"It's work. I'm sorry but I'm not going to able to meet you today. I've got a shit ton of appointments and I doubt my boss is gonna let me out."

"He's a dick."

I smile subconsciously. "Yeah he is, but he pays me."

"You deserve better. Better pay, better patients, better facilities." There's a long pause. "I'll tell Kieron I can't come in today. We can spend the rest of the night watching that movie you like, resting pizza and then fuck on the couch."

"As wonderful as that sounds, I can't ask you to skip work for me. For us."

"It's my anniversary and I've seen my boss in diapers. Kiara will understand."

I can't kick the excitement that floods through me, knowing Kai will be there for me at the end of this tiring day. That his arms will envelop me with so much tenderness all my problems will just melt.

"Can you pick me up?" I was going to take the train back since he dropped my off this morning.

"Of course, baby. Eight, right?"

"Yeah, I..." Fuck. It was about to slip out. The L word and we haven't said it yet. I feel something deep and strong for him, but it conflicts with this never disappearing fear of losing him.

If I say it out loud, everything becomes real, and I'm too cowardly to go first.

"I can't wait. Bye." I fight a smile as I hang up the phone. Even though work is anything but picture perfect, my boyfriend is fucking amazing.

"Emery!" I jolt out of my seat as Joshua walks into the office. "Don Frieder is in waiting room. Should I tell him you're finally ready to see him?"

I clench my fists, just so I don't accidentally flip him off. "Yeah of course. Sorry." He gives me a pointed stare before walking away.

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