Chapter |15| New Blood

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K A I ' S   P. O. V

Fuck. The ceases ring, just as I finish stuffing the last of the product into my trunk.

I wipe the sweat off my forehead, chugging some water just as my pocket starts to buzz again. I can't deal with this right now. With her.

Kiara has been calling me non-stop all day. I answered the first five but now it's getting ridiculous, and if it's her again, I swear to God...


For the first time in weeks, her name is the one plastered on my screen. I let out sigh of relief, unable to control my full blown grin as I hit answer and raise it to my ear.

Thank god, Kiara did something right. Even if she did meddle in my relationship earlier.


"Kai! Kai! I need you, he's crazy. You have to help me,"

"Woah, back up a second. Who's crazy? Where are you?" My heart pounds inside of my chest, as I slip into my car and start the ignition.

Her breaths come in laboured and uneven. She's panicking.

I check the time. No way would she leave work this early which means I'm heading to the clinic.

"Emery, please talk to me."

Suddenly she starts laughing. Full blown hysterical laughter. "I always knew this job would be the death of me, but not literally and now..." Her laughter subsides as fear overtakes.

She starts to cry again.

I fucking hate how I can't comfort her physically. Words have never been my thing, but with physical touch I can soothe her instantly.

"Emery, take a deep breath for me please." I listen to her cries soften. "That's it again," I do it with her, so she can hear mine as though I'm there with her.

"You playing doctor now?" She whispers in a hushed voice.

I laugh quietly. "Maybe...who is it?"

"Jason. He got in, and he hit head it hurts."

"That bastard from the parking lot, the one who attacked you in your apartment. I thought he was fired." I'm cursing myself for not just putting a bullet in the guy there and then.

"He was, but now he's angry and Kai...I'm really fucking scared."

"It's okay, I'm almost there." I blast through another set of red lights. Cars horn at me but if anything I need cops on my tail. At least then this bastard has zero chance of escaping.

"I'm under a desk in my managers office. I couldn't lock the door but I don't think he saw where I went."

"Where is it?" I already know. I've been inside her workplace enough that I have the ground plans imprinted to memory, but the more she talks to me, the calmer she's becoming.

"You walk in and turn left and then it's straight ahead, a right and it's the first door. I can't see the door though and there's no windows in here so I don't know if he's..."

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