Chapter |4| Already Calling

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E M E R Y ' S   P. O. V

I'm still smiling by the time I park up. Kai's phone is stuffed deep inside my jacket, anxiously awaiting for me to open it and press call.

How the fuck he'll answer, I have no idea. I hope he figured out a plan in which I call his phone and the one in my jacket doesn't ring. He seemed smarter than he lets on, and I desperately want to hear his voice again.

Adrenaline still surges through my body, even as I climb the fifty millionth stair to reach my apartment on the top floor. Kai was nicer than most people, he had this strange warm aura that was so inviting you couldn't help but move closer.

I don't know if he even liked me as woman, or he just wanted a friend. A guy like that must be lonely, cracking jokes to divert away from any real truths. I know because I was like that once. Back when I had friends.

Now I mostly live alone, travel to work alone, then work alone and come back home.

Sure I have acquaintances but no-one I would really every consider a true friend. No-one who actually cares enough to ask me how I'm feeling.

I round the corridor, heading to my tiny little place burrowed in the depth of the building. As I pass Mr Jenkin's place, I remember to visit sometime tomorrow with a pie in repayment for the one he brought me last week.

We're the only two apartments on this floor, so it kind of helps in the friendly neighbour department. He's a nice man, turning seventy next week, but I don't get too attached.

Because I know all too well to just expect
disappointment after they leave.

"Holy shit!" I jump up startled, dropping my jacket alongside the phone. It falls hard with a crunch. Quickly, I snatch them off the floor and examine it. There's a crack in the centre but it's still working enough that I can reach the phone app.

Then I stare up at the man who caused it all. "Jason what the hell are you doing here?"

Yes Jason. Remember I mentioned him as the creepy stalker who liked to walk me to my car. Well, he's standing outside my apartment. An apartment he's never even been too. He dropped me outside once, but never have I mentioned my apartment number.

"I finished early at the dentist and figured you might be upset I wasn't there to walk you home."

"I'm fine." I mumble tersely. Then more clearly . "What are you doing here? How do you know where I live?"

"Your neighbour let me up. It was a funny coincidence that I was walking up as he was leaving and I asked if he knew you and he said you were neighbours and told me the floor." He looks around the hallway in mild disgust.

"This place isn't very nice for a girl like you. It's not safe either." Clearly, if you managed to find your way up psycho.

"Okay, well you've seen me now can leave." Please leave.

He frowns and takes a guarded step towards me. Fuck. I quickly side step him so I'm in front of my door now and jam my key into the

"I thought we could talk for a little bit. Maybe order some food?" He wants a date? Why wouldn't he just ask for a date then? Because you would say no.

Maybe I wouldn't have a few months ago when he was first hired? He fast established himself as wanting to be my friend, and I admired his forwardness but never did he straight forward me ask me out and I didn't like him enough to muster the courage to do so.

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