Chapter |7| Chasing Red

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K A I ' S  P. O. V

She's going to cum, and I have the privilege of watching her unravel.

"Kai," She moans, head falling back and watch her fiery red strands cascade down her back.

My fingers heighten the intensity, bringing her closer and closer to the inevitable edge. I can feel her tipping over, her warm pussy pulsing around my fingers, ready to let herself finally go.

Normally foreplay is just anticipation for me. It builds my excitement, it brings life to my erection and all I think of is sating my own pleasure.

But this is different, like everything is with Emery.

I don't just want to fuck her for my own selfish purposes. I want to watch her be pleasured, I enjoy the way her thighs quiver, the way she drags her bottom lip between her teeth, the way she gasps for me.

I'm finding pleasure just in watching her. I'm satisfied by her entirely.

I kiss her again, brutal at first but then softening. She clings onto my feverishly, loving the edge of pain and pleasure blurring.

"I can't...I can't..." I would think she's overcome by pleasure, but her eyes well up with tears, and she's stuck within her own mind, drowning in conflict.

My movements slow, but I don't even think she's realised. "Emery," I reach out to touch her cheek, when she shoves me back.

My fingers slip out of her, and she pushes me again, then sprints out of the door. Fuck.

I grab her panties and stuff them into my pocket, then chase after her."Emery!" All I can think is that I hurt her.

Emotionally, physically I don't fucking know, but I need to soothe her, to take her pain and make her fucking smile again. "Emery!"

She's weirdly fast. I mean seriously, I'm struggling to keep up with her and she's wearing four inch heels. Her flaming red hair whips in the wind acting as my only hope of catching her.

"Excuse me, excuse me," I push past hoards of people but it's difficult when everyone's drunk and knows who you are. "Emery!" I scream again, but it falls short of the blaring techno music, so completely shit that it makes me want to punch the DJ.

I mean what happened to Drake, Skrillex, hell even Justin Bieber is better than this shit.

"Em..." She's already out the door, and I'm nowhere near the exit. "Let me past. Fucking move." I shove a group of guys out the way. Probably not the best idea since they're twice my size.

The biggest one grips my shoulder, yanking me back Emery. "Get your hand off me." My anger flared and normally I'm not a guy to lose my temper easily, but the only thing plaguing my mind is that he's keeping me from her.

"Don't fucking shove us again," He flings me back like I'm nothing and I fall into a waitress, drinks spilling all over me. Fucking asshole.

I help the dazed waitress up and note her name. Audrey. I'll make sure her wage has some extra tips in it.

For now, I focus back on the hulking giant. I can't pull my gun out. Not with so many people out in the open and clearly this bitch doesn't recognise me, otherwise he wouldn't have been in my way in the first place.

I watch as his friend whispers something into his ear. The hulk screws up his face. "Like I care if he's some rich trust fund brat."

I'm rich, definitely have a trust fund probably thrice the size of anything this guy ever hopes to make and I admit, I can be a brat sometimes but what he doesn't know is that I've killed more men than he's knocked out, that I've lost count of the number of times I've wash blood off my hands and that I've lost far too many people I care about.

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