Chapter |8| Reformed

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E M E R Y ' S P. O. V

I can still feel his fingers inside of me.

Thrusting, curling, stroking.

Fuck. I need sex. Badly.

Jason passes my office and flashes me a grim smirk.

Uh maybe not that badly.

I used my vibrator last night until the batteries died. Even though my chest was heavy from the sudden loss of Kai, I needed to cum.


I cursed myself for calling out his name, after I came down from my high.

I'm supposed to be forgetting about the beautiful brown eyed man and his ridiculous jokes and his charming smile, Emery.

Work. Focus on work.

I pull up some documents and fill in the paperwork of my previous patient. John Greene. It was a simple keloid scar but I was a little concerned about the inflammation so I prescribed a cream and sent a referral to the dermatologist.

Inputting prescriptions is weirdly relaxing. It allows my mind to focus on all the letters within the strange naming of the medication rather than he who shall not be named.

For lunch, a sad sandwich awaits me in the staff room. Cucumber. That's it. Two slabs of almost stale bread with four circled cucumber slices.

I really need to go food shopping but I'm scared about what my bank account will look like after. It's dwindling fast and the amount of money coming in it's just not enough to combat with rent and bills.

As I'm bending over to grab my sandwich out of the refrigerator, I feel a sharp swat on my ass. "Ow," I jump, immediately spinning around.

Jason greets me with a smirk. "I was thinking we should go on a date. Tonight, honey."

The term of endearment from his mouth makes me cringe. I'm sick of this. Men thinking they have some right to dictate what I do. He may be my manager but I don't give a fuck anymore.

The man is dangerous, volatile and seriously deluded.

"Fuck off." His smirk drops, replaced with shock and growing anger.

I tense about to step back but then realise he can't hurt me. Not here.

"I said fuck off. I am not going on a date with you, I do not like you. You abused me, you scared me and I don't deserve to feel that way. I let you get away with it Jason, but I swear to god if you don't leave me alone..."

"Then what?" He spits, taking a dangerous step closer to me. "What will you do?" His hands grip my wrists with such strength I can already feel the bruise forming.

I attempt to wrench them out of his grip, but fail miserably, and then he clutches my waist, shoving me against the hard counter.

"I could kiss you, touch you, fuck you and who would stop me? You saw what I can do Emery, I had you pinned beneath, but I walked away because I wanted you to want me. I wanted to be nice, but if you're going to behave like a little bitch than that's how I'll treat you."

I swallow down my fear, never backing away. "I'll report you." I'm desperate now. I don't have any evidence, and he knows it.

He shifts his hand to grip my chin, nails digging into my skin. My eyes clench shut as his face lingers so close to mine, I can practically taste the tuna on his breath. "Who would believe such a pathetic little whore?"

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