chapter 16: the war starts

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3rd pov

A chilling sound echos throughout the forest- the ululating war cries of untold na'vi. The troopers look around, spooked. They can't tell where the sound is comming from. They can feel it- the ground shaking itself.

They grip their weapons, bracing themselves as three hundred na'vi horseman charge through the forest at a full gallop. Their hooves pending the earth. It is truly an awesome site to see. Norm spellman rides with the na'vi hunters, carring an assault riffle.

The na'vi charge thunders towards the human lines. The hunters rais their bow as the ampsuits raises GAU-90's. The entire line of troopers open fire. Trackrs riddle the jungle, blasting foliage like confetti.

Charging direhorses crash down, flipping over. Riders are flung off. The withering fire continues, and the ranks are decimated. Riders aim their arrows at full gallop. A few hit their mark among the troopers. Norm fires his AR on full auto.

Two charging direhorses have a heavy log sung between them, like a battering ram. At full gallop they hit an ampsuit, flipping it onto its back with a blown out canopy. However, the victory was shot lived as the two riders were cut down.

Norm's horse is hit by tracer fire. His is flung off while the creature cartwheel. He rapidly scrambled for cover as a warrior hurls his spear a moment before his horse is cut down. It slams through an ampsuit but the merciless fire continues.

Direhorses rear and collapse. Riders pivot their mounts to flee and thermal screens show the remaining ghost riders scattering.

Overhead na'vi hunters stream through the trees, running along the branches. As troopers advance into the bow range the na'vi apen fire and the troopers sprout arrows in their throats legs and mask. The targets Jake and Nova taught them.

But the firing line aim upwards, tracking the thermal targets. Tracers rip through the foliage and na'vi fall while others retreat as bark and wood are blasted off the limbs beneath their feet.

Norm sprints frantically through the woods, shouting into his handset, "Nova! Jake! We're falling back!" The surving na'vi flee the horrific onslaught. It is a total rout.

In the dragon, Quadrich catches a glimpse of figures streaming through the forest below. "Blue team, switch forties. Fire at will." Led by the dragon, the gunships fire streamers of 40mm. Rockets launch ahead of them. The jungle exploded with a burts.

Circular shock waves flash outwards in the jungle. Stroboscopic glimpse of terrified horses rearing, na'vi leaping, as the jungle rocks with a concussive onslaught.

Hunters look up as dark shapes hover overhead. The downblast of the valkyrie lift jets shred the forest. Inside the shuttles cargo bay, a row of daisy cutters are lined up. Troopers roll the first pallet down the ramp.

The pallet falls into the jungle bellow and an enormous high explosive blasts rips a huge hole in the forest. A white concussion waves flashes put across the ground for hundreds of meters in all directions.

At ground level it is an apocalypse. Running na'vi were blasted out of existence by fire and shock waves. Ground troops advance, firing flame throwers, AR's and GAU-90.

Floating mountains- aerial

Quadrich's Fleet flys into the shadow of the mountains of truth. "Blue team stay woth the ground units. Red team woth me. We're punching for the main target." He says before glancing up to see-

-A squadron of winged shapes, diving out of the moring glare like birds of a prey. Close on Nova, rushing down screaming a war cry with Jake as they lead the charge. Scores of banshees slam into the gunship, and Samsons like falcons hitting fat turkey. The air battle has joined.

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