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Please, stupid hair, do me this one favor, and please stay down for the next few hours.

Francis was going to come and get me, and I told him to text me, so I knew he was there.


I give up!

I messed up my hair a little and fixed my collar. This was fine! I still look good, just with messy hair. I wiped my forehead nervously and began to fix my hearing aid. This was fine! Why was I so nervous? We were only going to go for a walk.

My phone began to flash, and I quickly picked it up. HE WAS HERE!


I moved around my room nervously and used my stress ball to calm me down.

I rushed to the front door and kept breathing in and out.

I got this.

I got this.

I got this!

I opened the door, and there he stood.

I don't got this...

He waved at me and gave me a greeting. "Hello, how are you, Arthur?" He signed. I smiled at him and nodded. "I am good, thank you. How are you?" I asked. He smiled at me, nodding, and gave me a thumbs-up. He would sign at me slowly, which was the nicest thing I could ever see.

Francis looked stylish as usual. I was not sure what made him look that way. He wore normal-looking clothes, but somehow, he made them look stylish. Maybe it was the way he did his hair? or perhaps the confidence he emitted? I was not sure.

I began to step out of the apartment, locking the door behind me. He stood there nervously, and I saw he had a bag with him again. I wonder what he brought this time. "Are you ready? Lead the way," I spoke. He nodded at me and held his arm out for me. I looked at him, confused, and he continued to smile. "Please?" He signed.

This was an odd request, but it should be fine.

I entangled our arms, and he held me close.

We began to walk, and I stayed close to him. Francis looked at me with a smile, gently placing his left hand under his chin and throwing it outwards while his thumb touched his cheek.


"You think I am beautiful?" I asked. I felt my face turning red, and he suddenly let go of me. Francis grew flustered and looked like he was trying to explain himself. I could not help but laugh at his reaction. He kept signing "sorry" and shaking his head nervously.

I think he might have learned that wrong.

I began to laugh at him some more, and he looked at me, defeated. "Don't worry, I think," I started.

I held my hands up, pointing to him up and down, and held three fingers up while forming my thumb and index finger into a circle.

"You look good," I smiled. His face was still red, and he nodded. "Thank you," He signed.

I used my arm to gesture for him to hold onto me, and his face turned a deeper shade of red. He held onto me gently, and I used my right hand to rub his hand to reassure him. "You are doing great," I spoke.

You and Me...

I wanted to be with you forever...


Francis urged me to sit on a park bench, and he began to rumage through his bag. "Do you like cake?" He signed. My eyes widened, and I watched him. I nodded my head slowly and tilted my head toward the side. "How did you learn?" I asked.

He looked at me nervously and took out his dry-erase board. He quickly wrote something down, showing it to me. "I have been practicing all week," It read. Is that why he wanted to meet on Friday? He had been practicing a few things to talk to me. the idea made my heart race.


Me, of all people?

He wanted to talk to me?

I couldn't believe it.

I smiled at him and felt like I wanted to cry. "Why do you want to be my friend so bad?" I asked. Francis looked serious, and he placed his board down. He put his hand on his heart, tapping it a few times, then pointed to me.

"I like you..."

My heart began to beat so fast. I did not say anything to him; I only stared. He was serious; I knew he was. He really did like me that much. "Why?" I asked. He laughed, scratching the back of his head, and shrugged. He didn't know?

Francis took out some cake from his bag, which was in the container. "Did you make this?" I asked and signed. He nodded at me and soon took out utensils. He quickly wrote something down and showed me, "Didn't you mention how you liked sweets?" It read. How did he remember these small things? I nodded at him, taking the cake and utensil, and he began to open the container for me.

He stuck his fork in the piece first, and I followed. "This is nice," I spoke and signed. He nodded at me, and we both began to eat. He did not do or say anything as we ate, and I wondered what he was thinking.

He pointed at himself, and I looked at him with a smile.


He used his right hand and made a grasping motion.


He balled his hands in a fist, pointed his index fingers up, and then fist-bumped the sides together two times.


Then he pointed at me.

"For you..."

Something else?

"What do you have?" I asked. He smiled and began to go through his bag again. How much stuff did he have in there? He took out a small package, and I lifted an eyebrow at him, confused. "Will it explode in my face?" I asked. He began to laugh and shake his head. He pushed it toward me again, and I slowly began to unwrap it.

It revealed to be a glass figurine.

Of an elf?

"Why an elf?" I asked.

He pointed to himself, placed an index finger on his head, then pointed at me. "I thought of you," He signed. This guy...

Who did he think he was to be making my heart race like this?

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