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"What if his other friends act like her?"

"You will be there; I will be fine."

"Fine! I will kill them if I have to!"


"It is too late to back out; I told them we'd be there," I signed. I looked at him, and he placed his hands on his hips. "Fine," he signed. It was good he dropped it because we were supposed to meet them in an hour. "If they are rude to us, we are leaving," he signed aggressively.

"Okay, let's go," I spoke.



He began to follow me out the door and walked beside me. "Did you say we would leave early? Maybe rethink going," he signed. "I know you're concerned, but I was feeling overwhelmed yesterday; since you will be there, it will be easier," I spoke, and smiled. He nodded at me, worried, and continued to walk with me.


Arriving at the place, Yao stopped me again to make sure I would be okay. Which of course, I told him everything would be fine. "Translate for me; that's all I ask," I spoke and signed. He nodded in agreement and held the door open for me to walk in.

As soon as we stepped in, Francis jumped up and waved at me. "He is excited," Yao signed. I nodded at him and saw Francis run toward us. He did his usual greeting for me, and Yao watched him, a little impressed.

"He is trying to learn," I signed. Whenever Yao and I had a private conversation, we would only sign and leave out the speech. Francis suddenly put an arm around me, pulling me, and I looked at Yao to follow.

"My friends," Francis signed. He began to talk to Yao and Yao signed. "I was worried he wouldn't come after the other night," Francis spoke. "He told me, but he says he was only anxious about not understanding what was happening," Yao responded.

Francis looked at me like he felt sorry. He then began to talk again. "Are you translating everything?" He asked Yao. Yao nodded at him, and he began to smile.


"I can call him a hunk and you'd tell him...oh! You did do it!...how are you fast?"

I looked at Francis annoyed and he was laughing as Yao shook his head.

We walked closer to the table, and Yao immediately began to translate everything being said. "This is Arthur, he is deaf, so don't scream at him."

Interesting way to start, but okay!

"This is Yao; he is Arthur's close friend, and can help you talk to him if you ask," Yao translated. I laughed nervously, and everyone looked at me like I was an alien.

"Nice to meet you all! I can talk back to make it easier," I spoke. Their eyes widened, and it was like they were excited. "He can talk! That is so cool!" Yao interpreted.

I'm deaf...not fucking mute...

"He doesn't look deaf," Yao interpreted, annoyed.


How do deaf people "look."

I looked over at Francis, and he also looked unamused. "Arthur sit by me," Yao interpreted. He pointed to who said it, and Francis gestured for me to sit. I nodded, nervously, and followed Francis to the booth. He sat on the edge, and Yao sat on the other edge.

It was Yao, that girl from the other night, guy number one with albino features, then guy number two with brown hair, me, then Francis.

Francis took out his board and showed me it was a smile. "What are their names?" I asked. Yao and Francis looked at each other to figure out how to do it.

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