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Alfred and I began to walk back toward the group, and she was still there. She began to wave at us, and Alfred looked at me, a bit concerned. "It is okay, I am fine; you make it seems like it bothers me," I signed. He lifted a brow, and I turned back toward them. Yao and Ivan stared at me, and I held a smile up.

Yup! This does not bother me at all.

Francis finally looked at me, and I gave Yao THE look. The look that we had always agreed to when I wanted him to translate everything being said. She said, grabbed me, and began speaking, and Francis tried to stop her. I looked at Yao, and he also looked uncomfortable with how physical she was.

"I am so sorry about the other day. Can we start over?" Yao interpreted. She noticed I was looking at him, and turned her head to look at him. "Yes, but don't touch me so much," I spoke and signed. Alfred looked like he was trying not to laugh, and she glared at him.

I was about to take my seat beside Francis again when she suddenly sat on the spot.

What the?

Yao noticed how irritated it made me, and He stood up to pull me a chair. "She seems nice," Alfred signed. He was not speaking, so Francis and she did not understand. Francis smiled at me as I took a seat in front of them. Sure, I could not hear, but I could see how they looooooved each other's company.

I began to drink my soda, and I could see how she would laugh and place her hand on his shoulder. He would laugh too, and god, I wanted to punch him in the face. "Are you okay?" Alfred signed from across. I nodded at him and continued to hold up my smile.

This irritates me.

I know I am not entitled to his attention, but he came here to be with ME! not her.

I could sense Alfred, Yao, and Ivan staring at me, which irritated me even more. "This is annoying," I signed to Yao. He lifted a brow at me, and I felt my grip tighten on my glass as I stared at him.


He still isn't going to talk to me?

She and Francis were facing each other, and he had his right hand rested on the table, around his glass. He leaned his other arm on the chair, and she sat close beside him. Really? Is there a reason to be that close to each other? She must have no clue about personal space.


She began laughing, but this time, she placed her hand on his, AND HE DID NOT MOVE AWAY!

I felt my blood boil, and I glared at him. Some friend?

I could see everyone else staring at me, and I had enough. I began to "adjust" my chair and kicked him from under the table. I could see him flinch, and I looked away quickly as if trying to be innocent.

I began to drink my drink again when I felt him tap my shoulder. I looked at him, annoyed, and he glared. "Why?" He signed.

"Oh? Sorry, I didn't realize I bumped you," I smiled and signed. His eyes widened, looking at me, and he looked at Yao and started speaking. Yao looked nervous but nodded anyway. He lifted his hands, and I placed my cheek on the palm of my hand, feeling unamused at his behavior.

"Tell him...bullshit! You did not bump me; you kicked me," Yao interpreted.

"Maybe you have big feet, and they were taking up the whole floor!" I signed and spoke. Yao looked at me nervously, and I began to glare at Francis. "Bullshit! You did that on purpose, say sorry," Yao interpreted. Alfred smiled and jumped as he watched Yao translate for me. Ivan watched us as he drank his drink, and it was like he did not know what to do. "I won't say sorry to a sorry asshole like you," I spoke and signed.

Francis looked at me, shocked, and he looked at Yao to get back up, but Yao shook his head. "I am staying out of this," Yao signed. "Tell him I am asking where this is coming from suddenly?" Yao interpreted.

I rolled my eyes at Francis and began to gather my things. "It was nice being with everyone, but I will go home. Yao, I will see you tomorrow. Alfred, Ivan, it was nice meeting you, and I will see you next week," I spoke and signed. Francis looked upset and began to talk to Yao.

"Why is he upset?"

"This is ridiculous!"

I shook my head at him and began to leave, but he grabbed onto me. I shoved his arm away and looked at Yao. "I will be fine walking home," I signed. He nodded at me, worried, and I began to walk away. I made it to the door, and again, I felt him grab me. I kept on going, and he forced me to look at him once we were outside. "Leave me alone!" I spoke.


"Because! You annoy me!"


He looked desperate. He had a limited vocabulary. Good, I don't want to look at his excuse. "How about you go and have all the fun with Michelle? I am sure she would enjoy it," I spoke. I shoved him away, and he looked at me, shocked.


I wanted to slam my head against the cobblestone road or throw myself over the bridge. "Why?" he asks me. Pfft...he came here to spend time with ME because he wants to be MY friend. Yet he completely drowned me out! He didn't include me in the conversation.

Does he realize how frustrating that could be? Being drowned out and not being able to understand anything? It is lonely and annoying.

I know this has never bothered me when other people do it. BUT IT WAS HIM!

It hurt more when he did, and he was too stupid to realize that.

The way of your movements( Fruk)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang