Alfred's POV

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"Alfred, how is Matthew doing with sign?" Ivan signed. I smiled at him, nodding. "He is good, he learned fast, and it only took a little less than a year," I explained. Ivan was my sign tutor, and now that I have pretty much become fluent, I don't 'need' him anymore. But I do...

I met him a while back and instantly developed a crush on him. That was when I was eighteen and a kid, but now I am twenty and was now much older. He had begun dating Yao a year ago, and I must admit that I did take it hard when I found out. Now, I only hope he may develop feelings toward me one day.

"Why did you want to meet with me?" I asked and signed. He asked to meet me at one of the nearby coffee shops. I debated whether to come because I knew it would be hard for me deep down. "Well, it has been a while; I miss you," He signed. I missed him too, but I missed him as a lover missed theirs.

He missed me like a father would miss their kid. It pissed me off. What did Yao have that I didn't? Besides that age. "I have been busy; I am sorry," I smiled and laughed. "Don't worry, but I also wanted to ask you something," He started and signed. He had taken a pause, and I looked at him curiously.

"What is it?" I asked and signed.

He smiled at me and reached for my hand. NOOOOOO!

I smiled at him nervously, looked down at my hand, and back at him.

"Yao and I are getting married, and we are having a party next week, and of course, you and Matthew are invited."



"But you have only been with him for a year," I spoke and signed. I couldn't wrap my head around what he had just told me. "I know, but we feel like it is right," He signed. He was so happy about it, and I...

I wanted to cry.

However, it wasn't about me right now.

"That's amazing! I will go to the dinner party next week; thank you for inviting me," I smiled and signed. He nodded at me with a happy expression, and I felt hopeless.

This was terrible...


As promised, Matthew and I attended the dinner party that was being held at Arthur's place. I showed up a little later since I didn't want to be around all of them. Matthew knew how I felt, but we agreed not to talk about that today. It was about them, after all, not me and my feelings.

Everything was going to be okay.

Matthew knocked on the door, and within seconds it was opened. "Matthew, Alfred, so glad you could make it," Yao smiled and signed. Matthew and I greeted him, and we walked into the house. All their families were here. Ivan mentioned how even Arthur's brothers showed up.

As expected, it was a full house. There were so many people there, and I tried looking around for Ivan, but I didn't see him anywhere. "I am going to get a drink," I signed to Matthew. "Alfred, I want you to meet my brother, so you better hurry; you are both the same age," Yao signed.

I really didn't care.

"Okay," I signed.

I walked away from them and went toward the kitchen, where I saw a familiar face.

"Francis, where did you put the lettuce?"

"I told you it was in the fridge."

"It is not there!"

"Open your eyes! aren't you supposed to have better eyesight without one of your senses?"

"You Idiot! that is not how that works!"

I laughed, seeing them aggressively sign at each other as I approached them. Francis saw me first and smiled at me, getting Arthur's attention. Honestly, I thought they would be the first to get married, but two years later, and still nothing.

"Alfred, Where have you been?" Arthur signed happily. Both of them suddenly gave me a group hug, and I couldn't help but laugh. "I swear, the two of you treat me like you are my parents," I laughed and signed. "Well, who else will do it if we don't," Francis signed with a smile.

I began walking toward the fridge and grabbed a soda from it. I felt a tap on my shoulder, and I turned to see Arthur smile. "Have you met Yao's brother? He has been dying for the two of you to meet," Arthur signed. I shook my head at him, and he tilted his head.

"Stop asking the kid so many questions; you act more like a dad than me," Francis signed while pouting. I laughed at what he told Arthur, and I could see him rolling his eyes. "Please, shut up," Arthur signed, annoyed.

"I didn't say anything," Francis mocked. Arthur began to glare at him and slap his hands. I started laughing at them, and I noticed Francis look past us.

I turned my head to look, and Yao and Ivan approached us. "Alfred, I really want you to meet my brother," Yao signed. I opened my soda, nodded, and watched as he began to call someone over. I was avoiding looking at Ivan. If I looked at him, it would make me even sadder.

Suddenly, a boy appeared behind the smiling Yao. He looked annoyed, and for some reason, I became interested.

"This is K-I-K-U....Alfred?"

I still stared at him as I watched Yao look at the floor.

His brother was HOT!

But that wasn't heart still belongs to Ivan.

I felt shaking and looked over to Arthur, who looked annoyed. He pointed to the floor, and I looked down.

Shit, I dropped my soda.

"Sorry, I will clean it," I signed and quickly grabbed some paper towels. Kiku tapped me, and I looked at him. He was so thin and cute!

"I can help," He signed. My eyes widened, and I looked at him, shocked. "You know sign?" I asked. He looked like he began to laugh, and my face reddened. "Of course. Have you met my brother?" He signed, making me laugh. He has a point...

"How do I pronounce your name?" I asked.

He smiled at me and took some of the paper towels from my hands. He suddenly grabbed my hands, placing them on his throat, and I froze. What the fuck?

He began to move his mouth, and I felt the vibrations of his throat fluctuate.

"Kiiiiii..." I spoke, and he nodded.


"Ki..ku....kiku?" I asked, unsure. He gave me the sweetest smile, nodding, and I think I was about to faint. "I'm Alfred," I spoke. "Nice to meet you, Alfred," He signed.

I nodded at him, smiling, and he began to help me clean up the mess. He seems...really nice...

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