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My jaw dropped, eyes widened as I stared at him. He looked ashamed and kept his head down. His face was red, and he looked like he was gripping his pants.

"Romantically?" I asked and signed. He looked at me, eyes still widened, and nodded his head. What?




"Are you sure?" I asked and signed. He nodded his head aggressively, and I still thought about it. "But why?" I asked. I was shocked.

No one has ever had feelings for me, let alone confessed.

He looked at me, annoyed, and began to write stuff down quickly.

This feeling in me as I watched him write his feelings down. I never realized something important...

He showed me his paper, it was a list of things that he liked about me. "Your smile...laugh...face...hands..."


Fetish maybe?

I continued to read them.

"I love your humor, how you look at birds, the way you walk and talk, and more that I can't list on this paper because it's too small," it read.

Reading the last part made me flustered, and I tried not to look at him. This feeling...it was the realization that I had spent so much time not interested in people romantically that I forgot what it felt like to love...

Forgetting how it feels for someone to love me and tell me the things that are too embarrassing to say out loud. He couldn't even look me in the eyes as he watched me read everything. He wasn't saying anything, and yet he was a nervous wreck.


He nearly jumped over the table as he stopped me from talking. I looked at him nervously, his eyes were wide, and he looked like he was going to go crazy. He shook his head at me and slowly moved back toward his seat.

I looked at him, confused, and he began to scribble something else down, showing me. "Don't give me a response; I know the answer; I want to be friends still," it read.


Wait a minute...


I grew a bit sad, and he began to gather himself together. "Will I see you tomorrow?" I asked and signed. His face was still red as he nodded at me. "Should I forget about this?" I asked. I stood up, just as he did, and walked closer to him.

He slowly reached for the pen and pressed it against the paper on the notepad, scribbling. I looked over his shoulder and read it. "If you want to." What?

He then began to wave goodbye at me and, with no time to spare, rushed out the door. And I was left standing there, not knowing what to do or say.

He liked me?


This was a big deal; I needed to figure out a response! How I feel.


How I feel?

How do I feel?

"Well, great," I spoke to myself.


"Hello, Everyone; we are on the last day of the seminar. Would everyone like to share their experience, or maybe, if you know a learner, talk about how it feels for them to come here," The lady signed. Alfred was here again and sat beside me in the circle everyone was in. I have not met his brother yet, but he pointed him out earlier. They looked really similar, besides their hairstyles. But they both wore glasses, were about the same build, and were near the same age. His brother was sitting in the circle for learners. Yao and Ivan were off to the side with the other interpreters. I could see that once in a while, Alfred would look toward Ivan and Yao, who had been talking. I could assume that he was trying to see what they were talking about, but they didn't use signs.

I tried not to look where Francis sat; my brain was fried from last night. I did not know how to deal with my emotions, and I kept slamming my head against my bedroom wall. I hope I was not being too loud, but who cares.

I was starting to get tired of being here. I know it has only been once a week, but I was tired of being around many people. I was drowning everyone out thinking about this. How do I feel?

How do I know if I like someone?

I would know if I felt that way, right?

How does he know he feels that way? Is he entirely sure? It doesn't make sense to me how he could. LOOK AT ME! He would be better off with Michelle...they make a good couple.

I was snapped out of my thoughts as I felt people on both sides begin shaking me. I looked at Alfred and the other person to the right of me. He looked around the same age as Alfred. I looked away from them at the main lady, and she smiled at me.

"What about you?" She signed. I looked at her, then slowly looked toward the learner circle, where Francis was smiling, probably listening to all of them. I looked back at the lady and shrugged. I was thirty but felt immature as I did this. "Who came here to learn for you?" She asked and signed.

"His name is Francis."

"Do you appreciate him being here?"

I looked at her blankly, then at Alfred, who lifted an eyebrow at me. "I am unsure."


"I have only known him for maybe two months...he wanted to talk to me and is trying to learn, but I don't see why he would if he hardly knows me. I don't understand why he cares."

I finished signing at her, and she smiled at me, nodding. "This is the first time someone has wanted to learn for you, and you are already thirty. It could make it seem like there is another motive behind his actions because this has never happened before."

My eyes widened, and I began to nod. She was right! I felt that way!

"Yes! I don't understand why he likes me so much," I signed back, eager. Alfred looked at me, surprised, and other people began to say something.

"Not everyone wants something in return."

"He seems nice for trying."

"I wish more people tried for me."

Then Alfred looked at me with a smirk and signed, "Maybe he is in love with you," He made a joking expression, but I didn't laugh. I could see other people in the circle begin to laugh, and it caused the other people to look at us. I was nearly on the edge of my seat as everyone stared at me. I felt my face get hot and watched as even Francis began to stare at our group in a serious way.

"Not likely," I signed, annoyed. I looked at the lady, and she smiled at me. "Maybe give him a chance to prove himself before making judgments; I am sure he means well. Wouldn't that be enough?" She signed.

Would it be enough?

I nodded at her, and they went to the next person.

No, it should be enough. Francis was trying. I know he confessed to me last night, and now there was even more reason for him to want to get close to me, but it was enough.

I felt my heart beating out of control as I thought of this. All the attention he has given me, and his company, despite me being cruel and ignoring him. I think it was time for me to accept that someone loved me for who I was and didn't want to change anything about me. He loved me...

And I...?

I slowly looked back at where he was, and he was still smiling at me. Jeez, this guy is hopeless.

I smiled back at him, and my heart was about to explode as I saw his expression.

I...I also liked him...

I was unsure what kind of like, but I liked him too, and that was enough to be friends and try and connect with him. It was a start.

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