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"Francis? What are you doing here?"


I turned around slowly, and Yao stared at me, annoyed. He had his arms crossed, and I began to look around him for Arthur. "Me? Ahhh..." I spoke. I looked around, and he came closer. "You have a nametag. Did you actually sign up?" He asked, annoyed. I looked at him nervously, and he pointed at my nametag. Shit! I just got here; I didn't think I would run into him first. I smiled at him nervously and adjusted my bag.

"Please, I only wanted to talk to Arthur; I don't mean any harm," I spoke. "He doesn't want to see you. He felt like you didn't do enough to defend him. You hurt his feelings," He spoke calmly. He gave me a look of pity and breathed out. "Please, maybe I could try?" I asked.

"As much as I would love to tell you to get lost, he really went through it the past two days."

"Went through it?"

"Yeah...he doesn't have many friends, so he gets attached easily. He was trying not to text you," Yao laughed nervously. For some reason, this made me feel a little better. "Please, can I see him?" I asked. He rubbed his temples and gestured for me to follow him. "I don't think you should talk to him, but I will show you where he is," He spoke. I nodded at him and began to follow behind him.

I did defend him...

Just not in front of him...

Yao stopped at the threshold of a door and pointed inside. Arthur was sitting beside a few kids and signing with them. It made me smile, and I stared at him. He made my heart flutter without doing anything. "Francis?" Yao asked. "Yes?" I hummed, not taking my eyes off Arthur. "What exactly do you plan to gain from being friends with him?" He asked. My eyes widened, and I looked at him. "What?" I asked. "I mean...do you like him? romantically?" He asked. My eyes widened, and I grew flushed. "What? that is ridiculous! We are only friends!" I laughed.

I looked back at Arthur; he was still helping those children when I assumed their parents had come to talk to him. I could see him smiling, and I tilted my head. "You are the first person to have ever tried this hard, so I figured you might want something in return...it can't work," he said.

"What?" I asked, concerned.

"Arthur has never been in a relationship, let alone with a guy. He has to deal with his disability, and then if you and he were to get together, he would have to deal with homophobic assholes."

"I only see him as a friend! I swear! I wouldn't do anything to make him uncomfortable. Besides...I would never let that happen," I spoke. Yao looked at me nervously and breathed out.

"Can I ask how it happened?" I looked at him. His eyes widened, and he began to scratch the back of his head. "I am not sure if I should say anything; that is his business," He spoke. "I know, but if he never talks to me, I don't know...so I figured you could tell me," I spoke. I looked at him in a begging way, and he rolled his eyes. "He had only been fully deaf for nearly two years now. He used to be able to hear a little bit, but over time his hearing got worse," He explained.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Well...when he was younger, there was an explosion," He started.

Explosion? what the hell?

"Go on," I spoke. He breathed out again and looked at Arthur, still talking to people. "It was an accident that he laughs about now and then, but it is why he doesn't cook...at all..."

The explains his basic meals every day.

"This might be a less dramatic way of saying it, but he was home alone and decided to make food in the oven. Well, it ended up exploding on him, and it was bad...to say the least," He spoke. I am sure Arthur experienced more than losing his hearing for a moment; I was sure his younger self was terrified as shit.

"Thank you for sharing, but this whole conversation has only made me want to try harder."

"You are an idiot, don't," Yao warned. He looked at me, annoyed, and I adjusted my bag. "Thank you for showing me where he was," I smiled. I saw the people leave, and Yao tried to grab me. "No!" He spoke. "Yao, with all due respect, I will never leave him alone; I like him too much," I smirked.

He tried to pull me, but I shrugged him off and walked toward Arthur as those people began to leave. He turned back to the table, and I quickly rushed toward him. He bowed his head and did not see that I had approached him. I sat in front of him and reached over the table to get his attention.

I could see Yao in the back, looking annoyed, but I smiled.

Arthur looked up finally, and our eyes met.

"Francis?" He signed, looking shocked. My heart was about to explode as he looked at me. "Hey, Arthur," I started. However, he suddenly closed his eyes.

Wait a minute...

"He closed his eyes," I told Yao, and he slapped his forehead, annoyed. "You suck!" He yelled. I began to tap on Arthur, and I could see that he was trying not to open his eyes. He crossed his arms, and his eyes began to twitch. "I don't want to see you; leave me alone!" He demanded. My eyes widened, and I felt sad.

I gently held onto the sleeve of his sweater and felt sad. His eyelids twitched, trying not to open them. "Huhhhh, fine, but I am not giving up!" I spoke. I finally let go of him and gathered my things. He finally opened his eyes and watched as I began to leave.

"Leaving already?" Yao asked.

"No, actually! I signed up for the seminar! So I am going to learn sign-language," I smirked. His eyes widened, and I smiled at Arthur once more. This time, his face turned red, and he looked at me, shocked. "This isn't over," I spoke.

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