20 (final)

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Francis didn't try and sign to me the whole way to my place. I was sure the silence was eating him up, and he didn't know what to do. "Okay, we are here," I signed. He waited beside me as I looked for my keys and suddenly stopped me. "Are you sure you are okay?" He signed. He looked worried and didn't bother to put his hand down.

Was I okay? I wasn't sure.

I looked at his hands as he held them up, and I reached for them slowly. He flinched a bit as our fingers touched, but I shook my head at him not to move. "I just want to understand," I spoke. I placed my hand on his, and his face was red as our hands touched. "Understand?" He signed with his other hand.

I nodded at him and began to entangle our hands. "Help me understand everything you are feeling," I spoke. I held his hand tighter, and he tried to look away from me. Honestly, why is he embarrassed when he was the one who confessed to me first?

"Unless you don't want to hear what I have to say?" I asked. I pulled my hand away and continued to open my door. He looked shocked, and I wondered if he wanted to shout at me.

I held the door open for him to come in, and he did so promptly, keeping his head down. "Here, let me make it even at least," I spoke. He looked at me, confused, and I reached toward the countertop to pick up a notepad and pen. I gestured for Francis to sit on the sofa, and he did so slowly. His face was still red, and I was doing my best to keep my composure.

I was about to tell him why I freaked out so much. But also, let him know that we can't be together. He may think he wants to be with me, but he is blinded. It wouldn't work out between us.

I sat beside him and handed him the notepad and pen. He took it slowly, and I looked at him. "Why?" He signed.

"Why I brought you here to talk?" I asked, and he nodded. "It is about why I was overwhelmed in the first place...I was thinking about what you told me the other day, I might have been a little dramatic, but I didn't know what to do."

His eyes widened, and it looked like he was about to start writing something down, but I stopped him. "Let me finish," I spoke and signed.

He nodded, and I took a deep breath out. "It wasn't the only reason, though," I started. Again, he looked at me, confused.

"It was because I realized I may have feelings for you too, and I didn't know how to handle it. I've never felt this way before, and I freaked out..."

His face was serious, and he stopped trying to write something down. He pointed at me, pointed to himself, and signed "together." I shook my head at what he was trying to say and smiled a bit. "We can't. It won't work out. You deserve someone better," I spoke. He tried to speak again, but I stopped him.

"I know it may not be a big deal for you, but we can't be a normal couple. You wouldn't enjoy things with me as you could with someone else who can hear. I wouldn't be able to feel good about myself knowing that my being deaf will make you miserable. I do things. Differently, I can't even hear your voice..."

He looked at me sadly and shook his head. I began to face away from him, but he stopped me. He lifted both of his hands slowly and pointed his index fingers out, moving them in a circular motion, facing each other.


He pointed at himself slowly.


He then made a sideways 'okay' hand sign and pushed it out.


Slowly pointed at me.


and slowly reached his hands to his earlobes, shaking them a little.


I hate this guy...

I felt like I wanted to cry as he signed that to me. "I don't understand why you like me so much," I cried. I didn't want to close my eyes at him because it was the only way I could know if he was going to say something else.

"I love you..."He signed. However, I shook my head. "No, you don't," I spoke and signed aggressively.

"I do...I love you, Arthur,"

Why did he make me get so attached? It wasn't fair...

"I don't understand why," I spoke. He looked at me sadly and shrugged. "I just do..." He signed. He came closer to me and slowly placed a hand on my cheek. "Let me love you," He signed with his other hand. I shook my head sadly, and he came closer.

"I can't," I spoke. He nodded at me, and he came closer again. He was so close that our noses touched. He still had his hand on my cheek, and I had no clue what to do. My hands gripped my slacks, and I didn't move away from him as he leaned in.

My face was feeling hot, and he kissed me.

It was a short and soft kiss that led to him moving away soon after. Not far away, but away from my lips. My heart was aching as I tried to force myself to reject him again.

I couldn't...

My crush had turned into love within seconds, and I felt like a fool.

He began to say something, but I didn't understand. His hand was still on my cheek, and he rubbed my face softly. He started to move away, but I stopped him by placing my hand on his nape.

"One more time..." I spoke.

He looked at me, shocked, but I pulled him closer, kissing him myself.

He kissed back, and it was amazing. I was trying to keep my eyes open, so I didn't another sense, but it was hard. My eyes closed, and I relied on my sense of touch to help me understand everything around me. We kissed each other, and I focused on my hands in his hair.

I focused on his hand moving from my face to my thigh, where he placed his hand on my other. I focused on the feeling of how he kissed me. It was my first kiss, and I was too ashamed to admit it. I had this strange feeling that he would be first in many things, and this kiss would escalate it.

We finally separated, and I began to take deep breaths. I didn't realize I had stopped breathing. I could see his chest moving in and out as we stared at each other. He had stopped breathing too. "That was my first kiss," I admitted stupidly. His face grew redder than ever, and he looked like he didn't know what to do.

"I liked it a lot, though," I spoke. He nodded at me and signed that he liked it too. We still stared at each other eagerly, and I felt myself being backed up toward the arm of the sofa. I continued to hold him, and I wanted more.

I wanted more of that feeling.

"One more..."

He started to laugh, and I smiled seeing him.

He nodded at me slowly and pulled me in for another kiss. It wasn't some small kiss like I expected him to give me. It was longer, and I found myself closing my eyes again.

I may have forgotten how it feels to love someone like this, but I am willing to try now.

"I love you," I spoke against his lips, and I felt him kiss me more. I wanted to scream and shout from everything I was feeling. They were good emotions, and I didn't want them to stop.

We separated again, and I finally noticed how much closer we had gotten. I couldn't help it any longer. I was finally letting my emotions spill out. Everything that I had ignored. I had ignored that feeling since he and I first met for food when he took the time to learn basic sign language to introduce himself.

That day I had developed feelings for him but kept ignoring it as friendship.

I wasn't going to ignore it anymore.

We continued to hold each other, and I smiled. "Do you want to go on a date?" I asked. He looked at me eagerly and nodded his head. I could see his lips form 'Yes,' and it made me smile.


Before I could finish, he started to kiss me again.

He made me feel like I was perfect, and I wasn't. He automatically accepted me for my flaws and loved me whether I realized it or not. Now it was my turn to do the same.

Because I loved him...more than anything else in the world.

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