Chapter 1.

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                                   -LUNA'S POV-

Atlas. The source of my entertainment for a year and a half now. It's funny how this came to be. Not funny to anyone else but me at least.

He just so happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time and I also happened to be there. Atlas doesn't know that anyone else knows what he saw. He saw something no person should see. I have to keep an eye on him at all times,simply for the purpose of getting things done if one day he does decide to tell someone.

His routine is to predictable to the point where I know what he's doing at all times. That's how I know he would be here sitting at the exact same spot he sits at everyday in the park after grabbing a cup of coffee.

"I knew you'd be here watching the love of your life like a stalker" I turn around and see my friends. Daya and Fallon

I shrugged turning back to atlas after addressing daya "It's not stalking, and he's not the love of my life. He's just nice to look at sometimes" I say it in the most monotonous way because he is pretty to look at.

Why wouldn't I say that? He has the most beautiful smile, one which I haven't seen in a while. He has soft looking skin, light brown hair, and a upturned button nose.

Fallon snorts mocking me almost "It sure feels like it considering you follow him around on your spare time"

I keep my eyes trained on him as he spills a little bit of coffee on his white button up shirt. I could feel myself starting to smile but I stopped myself from it.

"He didn't deserve that, he shouldn't have been there" I could feel them sitting besides me on the park grass.

Fallon looks in his direction agreeing "Yes he shouldn't have been and it wasn't your fault" I shrugged not wanting to talk about it anymore.

Atlas stops what he's doing and looks around. He's been getting good at detecting when someone is looking at him. It's a good thing but also a bad thing.

It only means that I can't keep watching over him. It means there would be no more feeling guilty or anything at all.

                                    -ATLAS POV-

         Have you ever got that feeling that someone is watching you. That you could feel their eyes staring into your soul. Yea well that's what I feel right now.

As I sit at my usual spot in the park I can feel someone watching me. It's been like this since the accident almost two years ago.

I can feel my hand instinctively reach up to my shoulder. I can't remember how it felt being shot or being in pain that day.

Choosing to try and forget what happened is close to haunting me. I've become so paranoid and sheltered ,hoping those men don't come back and finish the job.

I lost a lot that day and I saw thing no 19 year old should see. The sight of his mother being killed off like a animal.

I try to forget everything that happened that day. I try forgetting that I lost everything and everyone that mattered to me but there is one thing I can't forget.

The soul reason for me still being alive. Someone saved me from those men. I wish I could remember them without having to think about that day.

I want to thank them for putting their life in danger for me. The only recollection I have about this person is a tattoo of a moth on the inside of their hand.

There's details that are missing and parts I don't understand. I want to understand, that's why I hope whoever it is watching me everyday, I hope it's them.

       I've tried going about life without the reminder that I have no one. I mean obviously I have acquaintances but they're not people I'd trust with my life.

       They're just people I work with at my job, as an intern for the newspaper. Someday I'd like to write articles for some of the big newspapers. Daily news, hell I'll even take the New Yorker or something.

       I could have been something, anyone, I could have been everything but those memories are in graved so much into my head I just want to find out who did it and why. I want to know why I no longer have family to care for and that's what I'm going to do


A/N: suprise suprise I'm back 😝 but this time no daily uploads. New schedule will be every three days ✊✊ gotta space this one out guys it's a short story.

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