Chapter 9.

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                                  LUNA POV

      Luna came over to my house to talk. She just sits there typing away on her phone. "So are you just going to sit there?" She nodded "Yup, you're really the only person I tolerate"

      "Just tolerate?" Luna looks up and nodded "Were you expecting a different answer" I shrugged "I don't know. I was hoping for something other than a I tolerate being around you"

      Luna sighed putting her phone down "What's your question here atlas?" Is there a question? Or even if there's an answer to my question.

"Do you love me Luna?" She stands up and gets near me. She looks into my eyes, I don't expect her to do what she does next.

She strokes my cheeks and gives me the softest kiss ever. It seemed like forever before she pulled away even if it lasted seconds. "I can't express how I feel about you atlas. I can't tell you how I feel about you and I certainly can't tell you if I love you."

The second she said that it hurt me. "It's nothing wrong with you atlas it's me. Truly it's me. Literally. Your perfect in every aspect I care about you and that's all you need to know for now." She let's go and walks out of my house.

I sit down and sighed knowing I'm never going to get an answer I may as well never know. She confuses me a lot and it's irritating but I really can't say I didn't expect it.

Daya warned me that Luna isn't ready for a relationship or that she would never ever be able to love someone other than herself.

It sounds egotistical the way she thinks but I know she loves me. I know I'm worth her time and I'm worth it to her. She loves me to some extent and that's all that matters to me right now. She said it her self that she cares about me.

There's a knock on my door I yelled who is it. No one answered so I assumed luna came back but when I opened the door no one was there.

I looked down an saw an envelop. Picking it up I examined it cautiously. I opened it and pulled out a picture.

It's a picture of my mom and another woman. Luna? It's undeniably her. She's younger and much more alive. Her eyes aren't as dead as they are now. It's her alright I'd know her anywhere.

I thought she told me she didn't know my mom that much. It must be a random coincidence. It has to be.

So I thought, I pulled out at least a dozen of pictures of my mom with luna. She lied to me, why would she do that.

Feeling hurt and betrayed I make my way to Lunas house. So I can demand an explanation.

                                  LUNAS POV

Fallon and Daya just stand in the kitchen saying nothing. "Luna we need to talk" shrugging I motioned "So talk" they both look at each other before handing me a paper. "They put a hit out on you Luna. They know"

I look at the paper not surprised that someone would do this. I'm more surprised at the price they put on me. It's good to know that's how much I'm worth "You need to make a choice here Luna, it's either you face the fact that you have feelings for atlas enough to put your life in danger for Him or simply stop looking out for him" Liam now knows that I've know where atlas has been this entire time.

Ignoring her I give her back the paper. Following me to the table Fallon says "You don't even look moldy concerned luna" I shrugged "that's because I'm not" Daya grunts "Seriously? They put a 9 million dollar price on you and your not even worried?"

      I shook my head "I knew what I was getting into. You don't need to remind me" Fallon sits down worry clear in her voice  "You don't need to look out for him anymore. There's nothing keeping you from stoping this"

Sighing "I can't" Fallon gives me a look "Why can't you? You said it yourself, you can't love him" I shrugged eating my breakfast. "Luna, you need to stop hurting yourself. You have nothing to prove" I need to prove that I'm worthy of being handed down the company that's what I need to prove.

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