Chapter 7.

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                                  LUNA'S POV


       I don't understand why but atlas is the only thing I've been thinking of as of recently. I don't know why considering he's sweet and the complete opposite of me.

         I shouldn't have done what I did. Fuck. Why did I show up to his house late at night. Jesus Christ. I've been running everything I've done for him up until now. "Luna? Hello are you there?"

      Looking up Fallon and daya are just staring at me. "You zoned out again. What's going on with you?" Sighing I shake my head and get up from the dinner table.

     "Listen Luna. Something is definitely going on with you. I mean I saw you beat the shit out of some dude for no apparent reason the other day. And the reason you were upset was because of atlas"

      I mean there is a reason. He pissed me off. Agreeing with Fallon ,daya says "Don't you think it's time to put yourself to think"

      Turning around I give her a confused look. "Think about what?" Daya raises her eyebrows "Think about if wether or not you love Atlas"

       "I do not love atlas" Fallon joins the conversation again "Fine if it isn't love what is it? Obsession? Because you've spend the last couple of years stalking him"

       "I did it because his mom asked me too" Fallon shrugged "Seems like love to me" I shake my head. "Can't love him" I can't love anyone.

        "Why not?" I looked down not knowing how to answer "Luna, it wasn't your fault and you know that"

           "I know" but why do I feel like it was. "What are you so afraid of?" I shrugged no knowing what to say.

My world has revolved around Atlas so much for awhile and I don't know what I feel for him. He's pure, sweet, and perfect in every way. Then you have me, a screw up who can't hold down a relationship.

"I'll be back, I gotta go to the store real quick" they both know I'm leaving to stop this conversation and end it. I contemplate walking but I grab my keys instead.

As I'm leaving the house I get a call. Looking at the caller Id I see it's atlas. We haven't talked since yesterday night and I don't think I should answer him.

But I felt guilty for ignoring him as I get in my car. I answered the phone "Luna? Can you please come get me."

"Why?" That's a stupid question everyone asks why questions but me. "Some dude in a Honda has been following since I got out of work"

I sighed "Are you sure it's not just you being paranoid." His paranoia isn't funny "What? No. Every turn I make this guy makes. I've rounded the block at least five times already"

Five times and he's just calling me now. "Fine. Where are you" As soon as he tell me, I make my way to where he is.

I park a block away from the cafe Atlas is at. I told him to walk in there and no to move until I got there. I see him sitting at a table near the window and I also see a man in a Honda staring at him.

I guess he was right, it wasn't his paranoia. I know atlas spotted me across the street because I can feel his eyes on me. I doubt he wants to see what I'm about to do to this man in public at 12 am on a Friday.

He really isn't giving me choice so he'll have to at least hear. The street is fairly empty, there's nothing but tired looking people walking like zombies

As the man is taking pictures of atlas I come up behind him. "Yell and I'll cut your throat" I press my blade against his throat. I pat him down with my free hand and pull out a gun from inside his jacket.

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