Chapter 12.

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    "Luna never loved you, it was just a competition to her. But I love you atlas. I could give you the world if you just tell me where Fallon and Daya are."

       Although I despise them for lying to me and withholding information from me I tell her "I don't know" and that is the truth I don't know.

     "Well they had to go somewhere didn't they? Their house is emptied out and there's nothing there" I shrugged "I guess but that doesn't mean I know" Someone then opened my door without knocking. Rude.

I turn around and see a tall man with a almost white beard with who I assume is a body guard. By the way Rose stands back I could tell that this man is Liam. "May I sit?"

"You're already in my house aren't you? Might as well sit" He chuckled sitting down "There's no doubt that you're Veronica's kid. She had the same attitude you do and you see where that got her" the man he came in with stands in a defensive position. "Connor this is Atlas. Atlas this is Connor "

Before I could say anything else he sets a duffel bag on the table. I didn't even notice he had one until he showed it to me.

He opened the bag and there sat bills wrapped in bands. "You deserve a little cut of the reward money, after all it was you who lead us to her"

"Are you trying to buy my silence? Cuz if so I don't want your blood money" rose just stood there listening to the conversation not saying anything.

"If I wanted to silence you I would have done it a different way" I say nothing but stare at him "I see potential In you Atlas I just need to force it out of you. Give me a call when you want to talk"

He gets up and walks out of my house with rose leaving the duffle bag on the table. Nervous and scared I open the bag again with Connor still standing in my kitchen looking at me.

In there I take out a stack of hundred dollar bills in bands. I don't know what to do with it or how to get rid of it. I already touched the money.

As I put all the money back in the duffel bag Connor says "You know Luna was very pretty, She would have been better off in one of our whore houses instead of being dead"

I just stare at him with a cold expression "Why would you say Our whore house as if you own it?You're nothing but an errand boy"

I can't tell pissed him off just by how he was looking at me. Next thing I know Connor runs towards me and knocks me down.

He grabs a belt I had left on my sofa and wrapped it around my neck. Conner pulls on it while I struggle to breath.

I try and loosen the grip but I can't it's to tight. So I do what anyone in my position would do I grabbed the lamp that had fallen to the floor when Conner attacked me and I hit him with it.

He lets go of the belt and stumbled back giving me a chance to get on top of him and break his nose with my fist.

I keep slamming my fist into his face yelling "Say it again cunt" my vision blurred as I kept hitting him. Connor choked up the words "You just proved Liam right"

As he passed out I hear the door knocking. I get up still stumbling from the lack of oxygen. I open the door and there was Fallon standing there with Daya by her side. She looks down at my bloody hands "Atlas?"

I say nothing but open the door wide to show them Connor laying on the floor unconscious. They push me inside and close the door.

"Where did all this money come from Atlas?" Fallon found the bag full of money. I don't answer her I just look down at Connors slow breathing.

Luna was right. You do die a little inside, but then again I'm not thinking straight. Connor was also right. Liam purposely pushed my buttons and got into my head even if he didn't say much. He forced out a part of me I didn't even know was there.

The only time I've ever mildly even gotten a little violent was with Luna. But it was different with her. That's what she wanted in bed, Liam wants me to be like him in my everyday life.

Daya and Fallon have a worried expression on their face "Leave. I don't want to see you again. Take this idiot while you're at it. Leave the money"

They couldn't protest due to the fact I locked myself in my room. I put the money in the back of my closet and walk into the bathroom.

I look at myself in there mirror all I can see is someone who has no reason to stay here. No reason to keep living even. I'm dead inside.

Nonetheless I have to move on. I need to forget it ever happened. I need to forget Luna. Although she was the best thing that happened to me in a while, she's a liar.

A liar, traitor, not loyal to people. She played both sides of the same card but never said what side she was actually on.

For all I know she could have been out to get me just like rose was,but at least rose was straight forward. I don't know what to think about luna.

I won't get to know what I think about her because she's gone and there's nothing I can do about it. I'm not going to take up Liam's offer or use his money I'm just going to move on. Just like I did when I saw my mother get shot.

I remember how Luna got in between me and the gun but I still got shot. She then proceeded to run to my mother who was already on the ground but it was no use.

I remembered the second I saw that picture of Luna and my mom. I know now but it doesn't matter she still lied. And she's still dead.

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