Chapter 14.

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         LUNAS POV

       They say eyes are windows to the soul. It's hard to describe a persons eyes. Especially if they're brown but there's something different about his eyes. Atlas's eyes.

Even if I just stared at him for a second I felt like I could give him my everything even if I have nothing. His eyes are just so mesmerizing just like the rest of himself.

The easiest way to describe them is when you look up at the sky at midnight but you still see the stars. They're dark, like chocolate but light enough to where I can see them shining.

Just imagine staring at his angelic eyes as he pulls you close asking you not to go till morning. Giving you the sensation as if you were in a dream state.

He's perfect. To perfect some might say but what does that matter? All story's must come to an end and ours has yet to start. I might not even see him again. Even though I want to.

Atlas was the only thing on my mind when I woke up with a shooting pain running down my spine what day.

As far as anyone knew I was dead and that Liam had succeeded his attempt of killing me. That really wasn't the case. What Liam failed to realize was that half the people in that operating room were on my pay roll.

They'd do anything I'd say and they did just that. They made it seem as if I died on the table. As I struggled to get down the stairs I could hear Atlas yelling.

The sound of him in pain hurt me emotionally but I couldn't tell him. Not then anyway. I didn't even tell Daya and Fallon. I still haven't even told them.

They think I don't know but I do. They think I died not knowing that they were dating and fixing to get married. I wasn't going to tell them I knew I wanted them to tell me on their own. I think they would have if they knew I was alive.

But before I could tell them I decided it was best to talk to atlas first. After all he was the most hurt by what happened.

I didn't expect him to sit there and listen but he did. Now I'm in his bed with him wrapped around my arms. It wasn't easy staying away from him for those 4 months.

I would see him going on dates with other women. I would also get extremely jealous whenever he did go out.

And I still stayed away for his own good. Atlas moved houses the second he could. Where he got the money to do that? I don't know because he hasn't touched a cent from his trust fund since he moved away.

I figured that he got another job but he didn't. So where was all this money coming from? I get out of bed carful not to wake up Atlas.

Still thinking about the money situation I went into his closet to change into something more comfortable. When I opened it I grabbed a shirt and as I'm changing I was a duffel bag in the way back of the closet.

I know I shouldn't look through his stuff but I feel like it's important that I know what it is. Opening it I see money. Lots of it.

Enough to the point where you could make a few bad investments and still have money. I take a stack of it out and it has dried up blood. What did you do atlas.

Morning came to slow. I sit down at the table and eat breakfast with Atlas. As he's chewing his cereal I ask "Where'd you get the money that's in your closet. More importantly why is it all bloody"

       Altas stops chewing and looks at me. He sets his spoon down and puts his head in between his hands "I didn't want you to find out about it like that"

        He sighed saying "After you quote and quote "died" Liam came to my house with some dude named Connor"

Connor? Liam's body guard? "Liam left the bag on my table and said he'd force the potential he knows I have out of me. After that he walked out and left me with Connor. Long story short he attacked me and I fought back"

What a shitty move even from Liam. "Let's just say Connor didn't look so well after it happened. Daya and Fallon took him and I don't know what they did with him"

"Have you talked to them after they took Connor?" He shook his head. He doesn't know "Atlas, you are aware that Connors in a medically induced coma?"

Atlas started at me unsure of what to say "Is that blood on the money Connors?" He nodded with a morbid look on his face. "It's ok Atals remember he attacked you first"

He nodded "Did you use this money to buy this house?" Again he nodded not saying a word "How?" There's not way atlas is stupid to use bloody money to buy a house. "I uh, cleaned the money"

"Do you mean you laundered it?" He shrugged "I don't know what you call it" So he probably did but how. Before I can ask he answered "Strippers are known for washing their money before using it so I found one that knew how to clean mine without tearing them. After the money was clean I broke the hundreds into twenty's and little by little I've been putting it in my bank account"

Hm fine not stupid. He's right I don't know if that's considered money laundering. "Talking about Daya and Fallon do they know you're alive?"

I shake my head "Nope, I wanted to give them enough space to fuck each other without me being there" atlas gives me a confused look "How long have you known?"

Shrugging I say "Since they started going out" he nodded asking "Why didn't you tell them that you know"

"I wanted them to tell me themselves but seeing as that's not gonna happen we're going to pay them a little visit and let them know I know"

Stalking AtlasTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon