Chapter 5.

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         I met this woman the other day. She reminds me a lot of Luna. The only difference is that this woman seems to enjoy my company. Unlike luna who's always uninterested in what I have to say. Although Luna is very pretty, she lacks personality to say the least. She always speaks in the most dead monotonous voice.

But this woman is different. She listens, she has actual emotions. I open the door to my house and let the woman in. "Hey sorry I'm so late I got held up at work"

I smile at her and nodded "It's alright rose, it happens to the best of us" she sits down and lets me pour her a glass of wine.

One glass turned into a bottle. A bottle turned into three. I'm not much of a drinker so some might say I'm a light weight.

"So rose where is it that you work again?" She hiccuped "Let's not talk about work" as she says it rose gets on her feet and walks toward me.

Rose spreads my legs open and straddles me. Might as well right. Intoxication and sex don't mix well but in this case they might.


To say the least I spoke to soon. I didn't or couldn't enjoy any second of sex with rose. She's a bad kisser and bad at everything else.

I didn't know what I was thinking about yesterday night. It must have been the alcohol because god was that a stupid choice.

That's all I could think of when making breakfast for me and Ross. At this point I'm just doing it to be nice.

I hear knocking on the door as I hand rose her plate of pancakes. I yelled who was it and there wasn't an answer.

I open the door and luna was standing there. "Hey, What's up?" She gives me this look "Why do you look happy?"

Luna looks past me and sees rose in nothing but my shirt. She rolled her eyes and walked away. "Luna what did you need?"

She turns back and says "Nothing, forget it" huffing I walk after her "So you came all this way to tell me nothing?"

Luna looks annoyed as I continue to press the issue "I was going to tell you yes, I'll go to that stupid art museum with you but I see you have company"

"We can still go. If you'd like" I had been wanting to go the the art museum for months but I didn't have a friend to go with. So I invited luna.

She had initially told me no but I guess she changed her mind. "No" luna turns around and walks back to her car. Bipolar much.

After luna left so did rose. She said nothing but a goodbye. I didn't look into her behavior much simply because why would it.

Luna was the one that worried me. What was wrong with her? I decided to call Fallon and see what was going on. I called her and she answered on the second ring.

"Hey is this a bad time?" I could hear Fallon breathing heavily through the phone. "Sorta yea." I could hear daya in the back round "Luna stop it"

"Fallon what's going on?" Next thing I hear is Fallon dropping her phone and police sirens. After that the call ended.

I paced around my room for awhile. Hours almost. What the hell did luna get herself into.


When I saw Atlas with Rose it upset me to my core. That fucker canceled plans with me yesterday to go fuck rose.

I really hope it was worth it. And on top of that I just lost to the most stupid person in the planet. Rose snuck her way into his pants and I lost.

Fuck it pisses me of to the point where I can't stand being around people. After I left his house I came to a cafe to have breakfast with Daya and Fallon.

As we were leaving Fallon asks "Are you ok? You hardly said anything" gritting my teeth I answer "I'm fine." Walking out of the cafe I bump into someone "What it bitch"

"Fuck off" I keep walking when the man approached me "Say that to my face cunt" laughing I repeated what I said "I said fuck off"

Walking away again he grabs my arm "You're one stupid ass bitch, you don't know who you're fucking with" I give him a cold stare "I suggest you let me go before YOU find out who you're fucking with"

He grips my arm tighter and doesn't let go. Fine. Fuck around and find out. I turn around in a sudden movement and smash my fist in his face.

Stumbling back he holds his now bleeding nose. Next thing I know all I see is red and I keep punching him even when he was on the ground.

Daya try's grabbing me saying "Luna stop it" I could already hear the sirens in the distance. Fallon helps daya get me off the man

They keep holding me till I calm down "Don't fucking touch me" they let me go the second I said it.

And that's how I ended up in jail. Fallon walks up the the cell and shakes her head. "What were you thinking Luna? Or where you just not thinking at all?"

Snorting I say nothing. "Atlas called. He's worried about you" turning away from her i mutter "He can stay worried"

"What happened Luna?" Shrugging I say "Nothing" Fallon sighed "I know something did happen."

Daya rounds the corner "He dropped the charges. We already posted bail." I nodded not saying a word. Fallon then re asks her question "What happened with Atlas?"

"He slept with Rose that's what happened" I get up as the guard opens the cell. "He what?" They both stay stunned "I'm not going to repeat it again"

"Ok but that's not a reason to go and beat the shit out of some dude" I shrugged walking out of the police station "He's lucky I didn't kill him" and that the man is. He better be.

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