~Little intro~

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Word count-1012

"Y/N, ARE YOU READY YET? HURRY, OR YOU WILL MISS THE TRAIN!!!!" I heard Aunt Emma shout from downstairs. "YEAH, WAIT ILL BE DOWN IN A SEC" I grabbed my silver dagger that lay on my table and it in my boot. Gotta be prepared. Who knows what will happen. I quickly checked myself in the mirror, black tank top and black joggers.  I ran down the stairs to see Aunt Emma putting her shoes on. 'Your not even ready yourself and your yelling at me for it" She laughs and says "Just shush and get in the car." I grabbed my trunk and heaved it into the boot. We get into the car and she starts the engine.

After 20 minutes, we pull up at King's Cross station. I unbuckle my seat belt but before i could open the door, Aunt Emma placed her hand on my arm. I looked at her, she looked happy but worried and concerned. 

"What's wrong, Emma?" I asked, looking at her pleading eyes.

"Y/n, promise me, you will stay away from danger" She said quietly, her voice shaking.

I looked at her confused. "What do you-"

"Y/n, i should of told you this earlier, but i know it would of caused you stress and anxiety. People are looking for you. I cant explain but just promise me you will be safe, no matter what."


"Promise me Y/n.."

She stares into my eyes, scared.

"I promise... but you have to explain to me why"

"There isn't much time, send me a letter once you get there"

"Okay, i love you Aunt Emma." 

I hug her and rest my head on her shoulder. She strokes my hair then pulls back. "Love you too, pumpkin" She pecks my forehead.

I get out the car, get my trunk and take it to the train. I find an empty compartment, heave my trunk onto the top rack. Then i remember i packed some books in it. I sigh, pull my trunk down, pick out a book and put my trunk back up. I put my legs on the seat, my back facing the window.

Before i could open the book, the compartment door slid open, showing 2 boys and 1 girl. One of the boys has blonde hair, dark grey eyes and a pointed nose. He looked like hes the 'popular boy that all girls fangirl over him'. 

The other boy had brown curls that lay over his forehead.  His eyes were a chocolate colour. He had a sexy jawline and a cute nose. Ugh, not Y/n, you cant call someone sexy just like that. Remember what happened last time.

 The girl had black hair which was let out, it fell just below her shoulders. She had a face of a pug. Who knows if we was going to get along. 

"Can i help you?" I asked, sitting up. The blonde boy stepped inside and sat opposite me. The two followed, the brown haired boy sat next to blondy and pug face sat next to me, keeping her distance. 

"Invite yourselves in, i guess." The brown haired boy rolled his eyes. Blondy then said "Are you new? I've never seen you around" I look at him, "Yeah, i am, what's it to you?" 

I looked around and saw the brown hair boy staring at me. "Got a staring problem or something?I know im gorgeous but theres no need to stare at me." I smirk at the boy. He rolls his eyes and stares out the window. "We didn't catch your name" The girl said. 

"Y/n Massery"

"Massery?" Blondy and brown haired shouted. 

"Yeah.. no need to repeat."

"You're a Massery? How did Hogwarts even let you in? After your brother and everything." Blondy said.

"What do you mean? I dont have a brother?" I furrowed my eyebrows.


"I know i just met you guys but please tell me what you guys mean. I dont have a brother... thats what my Aunt told me..."

Brown haired boy then said, "Your brother was a very loyal follower of Voldemort, aka my dad. When he got expelled from Hogwarts, he basically destroyed half the school with Voldemort. Ever since then he has been missing. But people say hes on the run. They have seen him. They say hes looking for his sister...."

WHAT?! I have a brother... who destroyed the school im going to... and now hes looking for me? Is this what Aunt Emma meant? My brother is coming for me, and hes going to change my life. I have to be careful. What if he breaks into Hogwarts? What if he was at the school i went to before... Maybe he made him break my heart..

"You there?" 

"Yeah... just acknowledging everything.. My aunt said to stay away from danger."

"Dont worry, we will be here." The girl said.

"Yeah... what are your names?"

"Pansy Parkinson."

"Draco Malfoy" Blondy said.

"Mattheo riddle" 

"I'm gonna have a nap for a bit... to clear things"


After 20 minutes i woke up, but i didnt open my eyes, since all 3 of them were talking about something.

"Mattheo, is your father up to something?" Pansy asked.

"How am i suppose to know? He never talks to me unless he wants me to do something he wants badly."

"But i did hear him saying something about Y/n... I heard something like 'bring me Y/n...' but i thought i heard something else so i never thought of it."


"mattheo, this isnt good."

"No shit, Parkinson"

I opened my eyes and stretched. All their eyes fell on me.



"Massery, you have to be careful"

"Yeah i can tell, you know?"

"So you know nothing about your brother?"

"Nothing, i didnt know i had one, didnt i make that obvious?"

Riddle rolled his eyes at my comment.

"Anyway, what are the teachers going to do at Hogwarts?  Why did they even send me a letter if they know someone dangerous who destroyed their school is looking for me?" I ask, looking at them all.

"Who knows, maybe they wanted to teach you all the spells to defend and fight back" Malfoy said.


I looked out the window, thinking about this new piece of information that i have received in such a small period of time.

Two mouths, one love~ (Mattheo Riddle x Y/n)Where stories live. Discover now