I'll call you...

221 14 3

Jin and Jungkook stood staring at each other, sizing each other up, taking each other's measure.

Jungkook was trying to control his heart and breathing in the face of this beautiful, tall, dark swan. He'd scoffed at the idea of mates, but now that he was standing in front of his own, he was even more determined not to react or fall for this man. Nobody was going to have control over him. The idea made him scowl as he considered how he wanted to deal with the situation. He gave Jin his best "don't mess with me" glare.

For his part, Jin stood silently watching the play of emotion roll across the face of his newest mate. Miss Kay was fully aware that they were mates since Jin had performed a checkup on Jungkook when unconscious after one of his more brutal fights. It had taken time to get him free from his slave contracts, but Miss Kay was good at what she did and now Jin's mate was safe and standing before him. While Jin was thrilled to have his mate before him, it didn't take a genius to see that the cat was not happy about it in return. He had no intention of creating a rejection situation, so he decided to play it cool and let the cat call the shots. Would Jungkook even allow Jin to examine him if he was having so much trouble with their mutual attraction? He didn't know, but it would be interesting to see.

"Do you want to come in and sit down?" Jin asked.

"Do I have to do this?"

"That's up to you," Jin turns and sits down behind his desk.

This causes Jungkook to step inside the office to keep his eyes on his unwanted mate. Jungkook looks around and sees bookshelves with medical volumes as well as a few pictures. Diplomas hang on the wall behind the desk and there, in a big leather chair, sat a calm beautiful mate that Jungkook both wanted to devour and run away from. Trying to distract himself, he takes a closer look at the pictures and sees Jin with two other hybrids. A red panda with a bright smile, like the sun, and a stripped tiger with a gummy smile. The three of them looked very happy holding hands.

A pang shot through Jungkook's heart. Jealousy? The idea made him scoff. What would he have to be jealous of? It wasn't like he wanted to be mates. But, if these two were Jin's mates, did that mean he had more? Oh no. More people to own him.

Jungkook growled and shot Jin an irritated look. "Brothers?" nodding toward the photographs.

Jin kept his face passive, "closer" and then changed the subject, "Ready for a basic checkup? Keep Miss Kay happy?"

Jungkook grumbled but got up. Jin led him through another door that was a standard examination room. Jin motioned towards the table and Jungkook automatically sat on it. He watched the swan put on gloves and grab the other tools he needed.

Grabbing a blood pressure cuff, he nodded to Jungkook, "can you give me your arm?" to which Jungkook raised his arm and Jin quickly took his blood pressure. He then checked his ears, eyes, lungs, and heart, keeping his touch light and professional—no hidden caress and no lingering touches that Jungkook could have shut down in a minute.

Jin then entered the information into his medical program and smiled at the results, "Well, for a fighter, your vitals are all good. We'd have to get blood samples to do any more tests, but I imagine you aren't in the mood for that sort of thing?"

"You'd be correct," Jungkook said in a clipped voice.

Jin smiled to himself, "Well, that should satisfy Miss Kay, so your check-up is over. Do you have any other questions?"

Jungkook paused as he regarded the doctor. Jin kept a neutral expression while Jungkook contemplated the potential mate before him. Should he ask? Wait.. no. Jungkook wasn't going to open that can of worms. Better to leave and let bygones be bygones. It's not like he would have any reason to see the doctor again. He wasn't fighting and he wasn't prone to getting sick. He could keep his distance and stay free.

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