1 Goodbye

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"That idiot!" Batman growled. He found the letter with the ear piece on the table in the Watchtower. He didn't blame Clark for this action, but he couldn't help but be angry. He wanted to be there for him. He was supposed to be there for the person he was almost more than friends with someone who just went through many things traumatic.

Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, and the Flash were there with Batman.

Batman began marching off.

"Bruce," Diana called. "Where are you going?"

"To find Clark." He was terrified and worried, but even he had trouble conveying that emotion.

"Maybe he needs some time alone," she tried to reason. "He's just lost a lot."

So much has happened. First, Connor and Kara died while trying to protect Clark's parents. But their sacrifice was mute as Martha and Jonathan Kent were killed by the enemy. Then the enemy revealed his secret identity. Lois, his close friend, was furious and lost trust in Clark shortly before she died. In all the chaos, the Fortress of Solitude was destroyed. Superman had a run in with the enemy alone after all of that. He managed to survive battered and bruised. All because of that one enemy, Vandel Savage.

The Justice League banded together to defeat him, but the damage was already done.

After the fight, Superman left the scene and hasnt been seen since.

Bruce reluctantly stayed in place. He said, "I'll give him 24 hours, then I will find him."

"You can't put a timer on grief," Barry reasoned.

"I'm not," Bruce replied. Then he walked away without saying another word.

Wonder Woman picked up the letter and reread it.

The letter was short and simple. It said: 'Please don't find me.'

Three months later...

Batman still didn't find Superman. He searched through Metropolis. He searched Smallville, but he ended up finding the farm he grew up in burned to the ground. He even resorted to trying to find the Fortress of Solitude. Maybe, just maybe, it could be rebuilt.

He was in what was called The Bermuda Triangle with his jet. He found something on his radar. It was like something that wasn't able to found, but with the surrounding area able to be seen, it was highly suspicious.

It has been so long, and Bruce wanted to examine every lead he could find.

Soon, Bruce landed the jet on the side of the crystal-like structure. He would've landed on the water, if it wasn't raging waves. He began his trek around the intricate structure. After about ten minutes, he found what seemed like the front. It was like something he has never seen.

He went to a spot that seemed like an entrance. In there was a big atrium with the walls meeting in a triangular peak. The rain didn't reach inside as he walked to a frosted sliding door.

Just when Bruce was about to touch the door with his gloved hand, it slid open to reveal the dim insides. He walked into what seemed like a futuristic museum. So many gadgets and trinkets were displayed in the big area. There were Kryptonian writings on some of the things.

Still no sign of Clark.

Walking further in, he found another frosted door. He walked to it, and it opened to reveal a long hallway. The hallway curved, so there was only so much he could see. He walked down the hallway.

The walls were marble-like, with a bit of a icy look, yet it was warm in there.

Bruce unzipped his parka to let the warm air warm him up. He took the scarf he had covering his face off.

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