13 Mistake

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This was a big mistake! A horrible mistake.

Bruce was catching his breath as he trembled. He was lying down filled with exhaustion. Bruises were on his hips. His back had never been in so much pain.

And his butt! HIS FREAKING BUTT.

...3 Hours Earlier...

It was three days after Kal got his Kryptonian abilities back. Bruce came back from patrolling as Batman. He found Kal awake walking to his bathroom. "You alright?"

Kal stopped in his tracks. He was nervous and hiding something. He looked to the side. "Yeah."

"Okay," Bruce nodded. He didn't want to dig because he already knew what was wrong from that confrontation. "Want to meet up for breakfast?"

Kal nodded, "Yeah. Thirty minutes?"

"Thirty minutes," he said in agreement.

Bruce left Kal to go clean himself up while he changed to some more comfortable clothes.

Kal met Bruce at the dining room.

The two were quiet as they ate. The early sunlight lit the room.

Eventually, Kal broke the silence by saying, "Thanks for not prying when you obviously knew I wet myself."

"Of course," he said. "Had a nightmare?"

"Yeah," Kal nodded. "It was terrifying."

"I'm sorry you had to go through that alone," Bruce said.

"I can get through it," Kal said. "I've dealt with worse." He shrugged nonchalantly, but he still had a look of sadness.

Bruce said, "It doesn't mean it still doesn't hurt."

Kal exhaled, "Yeah..." He continued eating silently.

After a while, Kal asked, "Want to rest together? I didn't get much sleep, and I bet you are tired after your night out."

"Yeah," Bruce said. He knew it would help the two of them.

After they were done eating, Bruce and Kal went into Kal's bedroom. Kal laid his head on Bruce's chest despite he could hear it from half a world away. He just wanted to feel his heart.

Kal closed his eyes just as Bruce's breath slowed until he fell asleep.

The next time Kal woke up, a kiss landed somewhere in his hair. "Hm?" He turned his head to look up at Bruce.

The sunlight lit up Bruce's face. He muttered, "Morning."

"Another kiss?" Kal sat up on his elbows.

Bruce placed his fingers under Kal's chin and guided his lips to his. Then he noticed what he did. He touched him. He moved his arms to his sides.

Kal didn't seem to notice what he did. He crawled on top of him with his crotch rubbing on his. He asked, "Can we?" He looked at him with a hopeful expression.

"Yeah," Bruce answered. He sighed, "But you're going to have to wait."

Kal frowned, "Why?"

Bruce answered, "There are things that need to be done, so you can penetrate me."

"Really?" Kal said surprised.

"What are you, a virgin?" Bruce scoffed.

"No," he pouted.

"Oh, wrong question," Bruce said. "What are you, straight?"

Kal sighed, "Fine."

Bruce said, "Give me ten minutes." He got from under Kal and got up from the bed.

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