3 Clean

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Bruce walked around the Fortress to explore it until he smelled the familiar musty smell. He followed the smell and ended up at museum area.

Kal was standing in front of a statue of his parents. He was staring at it, but it was like his mind was somewhere else.


He didn't respond.

"Kal," Bruce called a little louder.

Kal blinked and looked over at the source of the voice.

"I think you may need a shower."

Kal exhaled and closed his eyes. He turned away.

"Kal," Bruce said. "We need to get rid of that smell." He could only assume that Kal didn't have the energy. He may be depressed.

Was that all there was?

Bruce tried to go through what had happened a couple of months ago. Kal lost his family. He fought and barely made it out alive before the Justice League got involved.

Kal began spacing out again.

Was this what he has been doing for the last couple of months? What was going on in that head of his? Did he feel safe? Was he in another world where his family was alive? Was it much better to the point that he was okay with abandoning the real world?

"Kal," Bruce called once again.

No response.

"For someone with super hearing, you really know how to ignore someone calling you."

Kal didn't so much as look at him. His eyes' gaze stayed on the statue. His mind was off somewhere.

Bruce reached over and touched his shoulder.

Suddenly, Kal flinched. He stumbled a few feet back until he caught himself. A look of disgust was apparent on his face.

Bruce felt like he should be disgusted since Kal was the one with the offensive smell. He just couldn't make sense of this. He couldn't figure out what Kal had against a little shower. He sighed, "Kal, you're acting like a child. Why don't you want to wash up?"

Kal seemed offended and hurt at the statement. Normally, he wouldn't get offended from the words of Batman. Normally, he was the type of person to stand up to Batman and prove him wrong. It was their thing.

What happened to him?

"Clark... Kal." Bruce reached over to place a supporting hand on his shoulder, but he stopped himself. "If you need help with anything, I don't mind." Even if he had to strip him down and throw him in the shower, he wouldn't hesitate. There was no telling how long he had those clothes on.

Kal was neglecting himself, but Bruce had no idea why to that extent.

Was this righteous punishment? Was he spacing out too much? Was he ashamed of something?

What exactly got him the way he was?

Man, Kal needed sunlight. Maybe that could solve everything. He wasn't a plant, but Bruce knew that his invulnerability came from the sun. The Fortress kept out the natural sunlight. Was he low on power?

"How about we go outside?" Bruce suggested.

A sigh shook Kal's chest in response. From one glance, it seemed like annoyance. Another was guilt and grief. So much was going on with him on the inside.

Bruce asked, "When was the last time you slept?" At least, Superman should have some way of recharging.

"Weeks," Kal simply answered. "Two weeks."

Hands (SuperBat)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora