Love is Blind

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Request made by: user87670610

(Yes! We're making a dent in these requests! Please be patient with me por favor! I am going in order of who requested first then last!)
(Did ya boy go apply for four jobs? Yea.
Did he get any? Yeah, after I applied for a forth job lol. About to make this bread)
(Bro I don't think I'm qualified bruh. People shouldn't be trusting me with dispensing pills lol)


I don't know how else to sugar coat it but, I'm blind. I haven't been able to see for years and can hardly remember what anything looks like.

My memories around losing my vision is blurry, pun unintended. I really don't remember. Guess you didn't see that pun coming huh? I know I didn't haha...

As you can tell, I've kinda of gotten used to it. I mean I do sometimes wish I could see again but it's not like I can change it. If I can't change my situation then why bother worrying about it, you know?

But I do remember how devastating it was for me back then. As much as I like making light of my situation I still can't shake how... traumatizing it was. I might not remember all the details but do remember the feeling. The feeling of being alone, trapped, and forced to deal with this all at once.

And even though my situation sounds grime to most, I have found a work around.
Since I was fairly young when losing my vision, it gave me some time to work on my other senses. Hearing being my top sense that I use often. After all, if I can't see something coming then I could hear it.

My sight might be gone but every other of my senses are still intact. It took forever just to get to where I am.

Night and day was filled with me practicing. Making a point to focus on my surroundings. Feeling the air shift slightly, the subtle soft sounds, even using smell to figure out where I could be. Or at least use all these context clues to piece together an image in my head.
Like an imaginary puzzle I gotta solve every now and then.
Now I can hold my own fairly well.

It's honestly shocking how easy it is to dodge a punch or avoid being smacked square in the face with a football. All you have to do is feel for the gust of wind that blows past you.

Simple I guess. But it did take forever for me to get to this point. The kids at school have attempted to hit me all so I was able to get some practice in, haha.

Now, your probably thinking, why would someone like me need to avoid a punch or a football to the face? Wouldn't people want to treat me well considering that I'm blind.

Well, I don't exactly go to school filled with saints.

If anything, school is like that one piece of hell that managed to break away from it. Only to create it's own hell on earth.

There are multiple people that find me weird. I'm not sure if it's because I'm blind or not but my blindness hasn't stopped them from being cruel.

Whether it be Bash McFist who somehow always accidentally aims a football toward me, Heidi who secretly records me to make fun of me online, or just overall being messed with when I'm not fully paying attention.

But I do have one person that has my back.
Howard. His been by my side since day one. Being a true homie when times get tough. I don't think I could have survived middle school without him. He pretty much functions as my pare of eyes with him always making sure no one would mess with me.

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