The Fool

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(TW: Sharp Objects, Sickness, Fainting, Blood, PTSD, Drugging, Swearing, Insomnia, Aichmophobia, Hemophobia, Attempted Murder, Child Abuse, and Injury)

Leonora gasped, trying to catch her breath. "Are you okay? You're extremely pale," Clarissa asked in concern. Leonora shivers under her cold touch "I-I don't even know anymore" Leonora answered. "I feel very queasy," Leonora murmured hazily, falling forward. Clarissa catches her in the nick of time. "Would you like to go back in? I could take you back to my office and heal you. Would you like that?" Clarissa offered. Leonora nodded, her knees starting to give out. Clarissa adjusted her grip "Let's get you back inside, You need a break". "I don't need a break! I just need to be healed, and maybe some food" Leonora tried to reason. "Let me heal you, then we will figure it out from there" Clarissa countered, leading her back inside.
Once they reached Clarissa's office, Leonora practically fell onto the bench by the window. "I am going to need you to sit up for a moment, I have to remove your coat" Clarissa requested. Leonora begrudgingly sat up and shivered at the weirdly cold temperature. Clarissa also took off her vest only to reveal a bloodstained spot on her shirt from the gash. Clarissa carefully put pressure on it, and Leonora winced every time. "I found the source of your pain, but I can't figure out a logical explanation behind your fatigue" Clarissa informed Leonora (who was half asleep, and probably wasn't listening). "It's probably just exhaustion, I had a terrible night's sleep" Leonora tried to reason. "Night Terrors again?" Clarissa inquired. Leonora nodded, "But they were...different," Leonora explained. Clarissa had healed her scar throughout their conversation. "How so?" Clarissa asked, "It was a dark figure, looming over me with a rag, it smelled of gin, he shoved it in my mouth and as I should, I screamed, after I should have been asleep, I felt a burning feeling and a sting." Leonora explained further. "Well, that explained the laceration" Clarissa mumbled in uncharacteristic sarcasm.
Leonora gagged a bit, and Clarissa put her hand on her forehead. No fever, Wait, Could it be? Is that even possible? When? What? How? Clarissa thought to herself. "Dovey, What's wrong? You got rather quiet all of a sudden" Leonora asked in concern. Clarissa sat down next to Leonora (who'd sat back up again) and applied light pressure to the opposite side of her stomach. After a while, Clarissa stopped. "As I thought," she whispered, scared of what Leonora's reaction would be. "I'm not going to die, am I?" Leonora asked, with her arms wrapped around Clarissa's waist. "Probably not," Clarissa responded, "Probably? The hell's that supposed to mean?" Leonora asked, her voice gradually increasing in volume. Clarissa took a deep breath, and Leonora saw red. "TELL ME!!!!" She snapped, "Under some ridiculous occurrences, you're pregnant". "WHAT???!!!" Leonora screamed, "B-but, That can't happen, can it?" Leonora asked, beginning to panic. "I drank that damn potion for a reason, and it wasn't this," Leonora thought out loud, "You did WHAT?!" Clarissa shrieked. "Ok, let me rephrase that, I didn't willingly drink the potion, it was kinda forced down my throat" Leonora added. "Still, you permanently harmed yourself, all for what?" Clarissa argued. "Do you want to hear the story?" Leonora asked nervously, watching as the incident played back in her mind, propelling her into an episode. "I'm Sorry, I shouldn't have said anything" Clarissa replied, catching sight of Leonora trembling.


It was October 15th, 1845, Leonora Lesso was 15 years old and had finished all of her responsibilities at home. She would usually go outdoors and act out scenes in the books she read, but her mother had other plans. "Leonora! Come Here this instant!" Her mother shouted from the end of the corridor. As Leonora veered around the corner, her mother yanked her by the wrist and dragged her into the room. "W-What are you doing?" a younger Leonora inquired. "Silence, Leonora! Now, do you recall what I keep telling you?" Her mother asked manipulatively. "You tell me that nobody will love me" Leonora responded with an attitude. "Yes, and why not make it official?" Her mother asked the damn rhetorical question. Her mother snuck behind her and took a potion, spilling it down young Leonora's throat. Leonora began screaming almost immediately, as the burning sensation ran through her body. As the flashback concluded, there was nothing she could do.


"Lesso? Lesso? Are you ok?" Clarissa begged, hovering her hand in front of her face. Leonora promptly arrived back to her senses and wrapped her arms around Clarissa without a single notion. She's not evil, She's traumatized, She didn't mean any of those things to happened, She was just seeking validation, Clarissa thought. "Shh, It will be alright, I'm here" Clarissa cooed in the soft voice she used for the younger Evers. "Thank you" Leonora whispered, "Of course, Whatever you need Lovely" Clarissa responded. They embraced until the moon rose above the clouds, the night arriving with it.

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