The Star (Swear Warning)

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Leonora's POV:

I opened my office door to find Stella, the youngest Never huddled up crying under my desk. "Why, Hello there!" I chuckled softly "What are you doing under here, My Sweet?" I signed politely, trying not to scare her even more. She looked at me with a confused look, almost as if she hadn't recognized me. I try not to be rough on her, but I guess Someone couldn't care less. She carefully crawled out from under my desk, hitting her head in the process. She started crying but got quiet after about 10 minutes. I was really confused as to why she had stopped, I remembered how harsh Evelyn was with children. I stood up and saw her tugging at my coat. I bent down to pick her up, and she signed "I love you". I signed "I love you too". I thought about it for a second "Where are your aids?" I signed, genuinely curious. She pointed to a box on the highest shelf, starting to cry again. Oh no the bitch did not!! Anyways, with her in one arm, I grabbed the box from said shelf. I keep forgetting I'm 5 months pregnant, so I - rather briskly - walked to my desk. I sat the poor child on my desk, while I put her hearing aids back in. "There!" I sighed "can you hear me now?" I asked softly, as she was still shaken from earlier. She nodded slowly, "Would you like to return with the others, or stay with me?" I offered. "Stay wiff you pwease?" She asked very politely. I couldn't help but laugh a little, "Of course, My Sweet".
With her in hand, We sneak out to my secret garden, I made it impenetrable so nobody can even enter without me. I often come here to relax or to focus, but I find it looks better at night. I carefully sat on the swing that hung from a branch of a sturdy oak tree. She curled up into my side, and I lightly started swinging. I refuse to go any faster than I was because I brought a small child with me, and I get motion sick quickly. She was fast asleep but whimpering and crying, and I can recognize a night terror when I see one. I pull her close to my chest. She slowly started to calm down. I carefully stood back up and placed her back with the others, before heading to bed myself.

The Princess and The Oracle| A Dovesso Fanfiction (AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora