The Devil (Swear Warning)

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Four months go by, and every day, Clarissa asks the same six questions. Leonora gives the same six answers. As they walked to the main center tower to greet students for an assembly, Leonora had a greater sense that something was wrong. "Lesso, are you ok? I've noticed you staring at the floor" Clarissa asked. "I'm fine, I... zoned out" Leonora responded in an anxious whisper. About halfway through the assembly, The ground started to crack beneath Leonora's feet. "Dovey?" Leonora begged, holding onto her fellow Dean for dear life, "Lesso, what is it?" Clarissa whispered in response. "I sense something...a visitor... revenge...fair unsung danger lying in the depths... I don't fully know why" Leonora replies, still watching the cracks, as well as being very spaced out in general. Seeing the Dean of Evil scared for the first time, the Children eavesdrop on the conversation between the deans, watching the cracks on the floor. As they all started to warn them, Professor Sader opened the hole further, sending the two women plummeting into the depths of Tartarus.


Leonora's POV:

I didn't know what to do, the students were screaming, and the cracks had moved over to Dovey's side. Out of the corner of my eye, I see my nemesis, my competitor Evelyn Sader, and with that, Dovey and I just fell straight down. I don't know much of what happened after the fall, considering I blacked out about halfway down, But I do know that when I woke back up again, I was lying on top of Dovey's skirt. She was running her fingers through my hair; I wasn't used to this sort of touch, but it was... calming, in a way. After a while, we left, and some Arae? I don't remember, crossed the path. It screamed an unholy scream, a sound I was very familiar with, but this time felt different. We walked around some more, fought more stupid creatures, trying to find a way out when a crack presented itself in the wall. I bat my cane into it several times, and once with my heel. Once the hole opened, I let Clarissa through first (mainly because I was too tall) and attempted to crawl out of the hole in the wall. We found ourselves underneath the School of Evil, in the museum hall. We snuck back upstairs, gave each other a gentle hug, we parted ways for the night.

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