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That evening, Leonora felt off. She and Clarissa had been discussing student issues over tea when Leonora kept zoning out. "Hey, Lesso? You've zoned out again" Clarissa gently informed her with one hand on her shoulder, "Oh, Sorry" Leonora whispered, sulking slightly. "Are you alright? You've been like this all evening" Clarissa inquired, looking after her friend. Leonora looked her dead in the eye and said "I've heard that damn scream every damn time I zoned out". "The one from Tartarus?" Clarissa asked, trying to narrow down her comment. Leonora nodded slowly. "Maybe try getting some sleep? I don't know what I can do for you" Clarissa offered, and for once she agreed. Clarissa went to bed shortly after. Late into the night, Lesso had been calmly asleep when a sharp pain surged through her. She shot straight up, gasping in shock with one hand on her stomach. She found an apple she had brought with her. She tried to walk off the feeling while eating, but after only one bite a pain crashed through her, knocking her to the ground with a loud and painful thud. Clarissa had heard the noise, and couldn't feel Leonora beside her. Oh dear, She thought, Something must have happened. She peered over the side, to see Leonora leaning against the wall in pain. "LESSO!" Clarissa screamed, running to her side. "Are you alright? Are you hurt?" Clarissa asked in concern. "Everything hurts," Leonora responded in an exhausted whisper. "Can you get up?" Clarissa asked. "I can't even fucking eat, what makes you think I can stand up?" Leonora responded in her usual condescending tone. Clarissa glared at her. "Just get me off the floor, or else I'll be here for the next 12 hours" Leonora demanded in frustration. Leonora tried to balance herself onto her feet, whining softly the entire time. "FUCK THIS!!!" Leonora screamed, gritting her teeth. Clarissa very carefully placed one hand on Leonora's waist and gently lifted her off the ground. Leonora tried to breathe, but her stomach tightened at the most random times, making it ridiculously painful. "Lesso, I need you to breathe" Clarissa urged Leonora, "I-I can't" Leonora murmured, struggling to stay on her feet, as her leg started to throb. "Lesso, I need you to try" Clarissa begged, but her right leg gave out, making breathing even harder. Clarissa very carefully guided Leonora away from the wall, with a profound pink stain trailing down both ankles. "Oh shit!" Clarissa silently cussed. She made an effort to think of an easy way to ask for consent to touch her and do what she needed. "She's gone" Leonora whispered in silent realization. "Wait- How do you know that?!" Clarissa interrogated, frustrated that she knew and hadn't said anything. "I lost a telepathic connection with her" Leonora started and Clarissa looked a bit shocked. "It's a Lesso thing," She waved it off. Leonora didn't want to be awake right now so she told Clarissa "Okay, you have my consent to touch me, I just want to sleep". "Please don't die" Clarissa pleaded, "I just want to sleep, If your sleep was interrupted like that, you would be asleep now too" Leonora responded, half asleep already. "Also, thank you for your hospitality, see you in an hour" Leonora thanked her lover, before drifting off to sleep.

When she woke back up again, Clarissa was stitching a wound in her stomach. "You're lucky to have fallen asleep before you started dilating, I cut a slit in your stomach to remove the remainder of the child before things went south" Clarissa clarified. "Come again?" Leonora inquired, not conscious enough to understand. "Ah, Forget it" Clarissa murmured. Leonora started to cry, carefully moving her legs toward her chest. "Why are you crying?" Clarissa asked, brushing a tear from Leonora's eye. "Mother was right, I am useless, no one could love me" Leonora whispered.
Clarissa felt horrible knowing this strong, intelligent, caring woman that was there for anyone in their time of need, felt like this about herself. It just broke her inside, because it never occurred to her that she was trying to make something of herself. She loved her, She wanted to be like her. She looked up to her, not just in a literal sense. She just couldn't bring herself to say it. Clarissa had an opportunity but was too afraid to take it.

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