ˋ⊰2⊱ˊ Flower Power!

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A/n: Your powers are introduced in this chapter also the chapters in the future might be longer and more detailed but for now they'll be kinda short :)


It was the next day and you were watching Taila and Iris practicing for another show. You had Amaru in your lap and petting him as you watched the two sing and dance.

"Congratulations Iris for once you are on time for rehearsal and Auriana is late," Taila said walking off the stage.

"Um, thanks," Iris says unsure if that was a compliment or not.

Suddenly a squeal can be heard as Auriana calls for help.

We all rush into the room and see Auriana tangled up in vines and flowers.

I snickered at the sight and Taila face-palmed.

"Auriana what happened?" Iris says worriedly.

"I was making this flower garland to wear when we perform at the garden festival tomorrow, and I sort of got trapped." she squeals again as the thorns prick her skin.

"You made a garland with the roses still on?"

"I thought they would stick better, which they do"

Taila uses a spell to get the flowers off of Auriana and once she does Auriana jumps onto her feet.

After about another minute of talking Iris shows us the flower she'd been taking care of since she was eight. She always entered it into contests but she never won, Missy always won. Being Iris's sister you had always been at the contests, and since you had always been there you saw how Missy rubbed it in your sister's face, which made you angry but there was nothing you do about it.

After Amaru went up to the rose and sniffed it, it barked? Iris tried hiding it after that but Taila realized quickly that Iris used magic on it.

After a while, we were at the festival where Iris entered Rosie into the contest.

The girls were rehearsing until Iris's pendant was glowing, meaning someone was in trouble. We all split up to look for whoever it was.

Iris found them, it was Missy, her rose had gone missing. At first, Taila accused Rosie but Iris defended her and she had a good point. So we split up again to look for it, even though I advocated to not do that and just let Missy lose, that was not a popular idea.

After a bit of searching someone else's plant went missing, and this time it was some little girl's plant. We were having a private discussion where Taila accused Rosie again, Iris tried defending her again but we heard whimpering from the entrance. It was Rosie, she confessed to Iris that she was getting rid of the competition. I don't know how Iris knew Rosie was confessing, because Rosie is just a plant but I digress.

Iris knew what she had to do and she wanted to do it alone, which we all respected.

After a few minutes, Iris came running back into the greenhouse and told us how a giant mole had stolen both her pendant and Rosie.

The girls did a tracking spell while I just stood there, I was always jealous they had powers, I mean, who wouldn't? On top of that, I always felt left out when they had training sessions. I never told them any of this, I didn't want them to feel bad.

We learnt that a thing called a snumple was what took Iris's stuff but she said it was bigger. We all knew who had to be behind this.

We were going to find Iris's stuff when she saw Missy crying into Nathaniel's chest, Iris got jealous, and mocked her, making both me and the little girl sitting at the table giggle. Missy got up and started making fun of Iris. Iris in turn got mad but Taila pulled Iris back and practically told her to focus on the mission.

We were walking around looking around as Iris was explaining how the mole was super fast.

"Oh don't worry about that," the green dude from yesterday said holding Iris's pendant.

"We'll make sure you can't miss it," the red girl from yesterday says finishing the dude's sentence.

Suddenly the snumple jumps out from the ground infront of us and we all jump out of the way. I guess I didn't jump fast or far enough since the mole grabs me, I try and get out of its grip to no avail.

Iris tries to transform but she can't since she doesn't have her pendant.

Taila and Auriana transform and Amaru opens up the arena.

I am now on the side with the two people trying to kidnap my sister and the big mole thing.

The snumple drops me onto the ground. Taila and Auriana try and get to me but the snumple gets in their way. I try to run toward them but the green guy gets in my way.

"Where do you think you're going?" he says sarcastically before trapping my legs in green crystal. I look up and scowl at him, his arm is extended toward me and I get an idea. I grab his arm, pull him closer, and twist as hard as I can using my other arm to keep him in place.

He yells in shock and pain before I let him go. "For someone who doesn't have powers you're pretty strong," he says rolling the shoulder of the arm I twisted.

"Yeah, and you need an oversized snumple to fight your own battles, so I'm wondering who's stronger between the both of us," you tease with a smirk on your face.

He looks me up down, impressed, "I never caught your name," he says before trapping my arms in more crystal.

You say your name and ask him for his, "I'm Mephisto, and my sister over there is Praxina," he replies and you both bring your attention back to the battle.

Iris had just broken the crystal on the back of the snumple's neck and it had transformed back into a normal snumple which was really cute.

"Now where's my necklace?" Iris faces the twins.

"Oh, you mean this old thing?" Praxina responds holding out Iris's necklace.

"Why don't you come get it" Mephisto retorts tauntingly.

The girls try and attack the two but can't since the twins create a purple shield around themselves.

The twins attack them, the attacks don't wound them but it's obvious it hurt them enough not to be able to fight back. The twins then trap them in a crystal semi-sphere.

I look in horror as the twins continue to taunt them.

Anger boils in my chest, I clench my hands tightly and shut my eyes. A tingling sensation takes over my body and I feel something flowing through me before being let out through my hands, cracking the crystal I was in.

The twins look over in shock mixed with confusion as indigo symbols appear infront of both my hands as indigo crystals shoot up from the group, headed towards the crystal the girls were trapped in. Once the crystals reach the semi-sphere it shatters on impact, freeing the girls who immediately shot crystals toward the twins.

"I guess I'm pretty good for a first-timer," you say to yourself looking down at your hands.

The mole snatches Iris's necklace and gives it back to her. Iris transforms and casts this giant spell that makes the twins teleport out of the arena. It also makes a giant pillar fall through.

The girls call your name and rush over to you before pestering you with multiple "Are you okay's?" and "How'd you do that's"

"I'm fine I swear, and I have no idea, but you guys better start training me," you say excitedly at the discovery you had powers. "On top of that, Indigo is my new favourite colour" you smile to yourself.

Once you left the arena you all went back and returned the stolen flowers. Iris wanted to personally deliver the little girl's orchids back to her and she got an oracle gem out of it.

You were sitting in one of the front rows for the show and announcement of the winner of the contest. The winner was the little girl and her orchids which put a smile on your face.

After that and Missy storming off stage, the show began, the girls sang and simultaneously danced. You never understood how they did it since you were quite uncoordinated yourself, but they did what they did pretty well.

You were so entranced by your friends that you never noticed a pair of eyes watching you the whole time.

Indigo is my new favourite colourWhere stories live. Discover now