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July 15

Out in the hot sand of Iran in the middle of nowhere stood a man who is wanted by the military services and the 141. "Gold Eagle Actual, Shadow-1s weapons hot." Spoken Graves through the linked communicator. "We're buring daylight!" He added after ending the line. "Copy that. Laswell, do we have confirmation?" Came another voice but a bit deeper and more American like, a man who goes by General shepherd spoke out, head leader of the operation.

"Watcher-1 to Bravo 0-7. You in position?" Came a woman's voice of Laswell. "Approaching a clearance now." Suddenly a very thick heavy British accent of lieutenant Ghost spoke while he gets low to the ground with his sniper ready to scan the area.

"I'm eyes on." Ghost spoke into his comms. "What do you see?" Came in Laswell. "Armed personnel, armor and hardware... All Russian." He spoke after the woman.

"What the hell are the Russians doing with Ghorbrani?" C/M now spoke in a low voice. The girl's voice was steady and in full seriousness. "Supplying Iran, It's an arms deal." Laswell advised. "You copying this?" Shepherd calls for the girl.

"Got it sir, this is just a two birds one stone kind of play." The girl said with an eye-roll while standing on standby with her binoculars set on the movements below them. "We need positive ID on Ghorbrani before we kick this off, gentleman's." Laswell calls out.

"Ghost, can you identify the General?" Shepherd said gaining the skull mans attention. "Armed escort around one VIP, Russian are very happy to see him." He spoke while keeping his eye on the main target. 

"It'll be the last time they do." The woman spoke with a bit of humor. "Now let's stop this at once." Shepherd spoke before dropping the signal to shoot away.

After a few target shots. They where given the order to look out for an incoming missiles. "Ghost, C/M you two are danger close to the zone. This aries gonna pack a punch." Graves said before giving the count down. "Copy. Approve." Ghost replied before taking cover behind a rock wall, Y/N joining beside him.

Just then from above their heads came a loud rumble, Ghost looked up to now see the missile aiming for the camp sight just a couple of miles away. "Steady yourself for impact." C/m calls before covering her eyes from the bright sun light. The missile now landing its hit. "That's a big blow." She mumbles while now lowering her hands away from her face. She looks back at the tall man as he just chuckled at her a bit before leaving her side,
y/n blinked for a few seconds before moving up after him.

"Good work Lieutenant." C/M said giving him a fist bump and he returned the jester back. She smile before moving ahead from the masked man, his eyes following her figure like a hawk stalking its prey.

Once arriving back at based, y/n was in the weight room with her team before soap came over to call her for a discussion that was being held upon by Shepherd and the rest of 141. Once at the door the girl made sure her jacket was on since she was in her training gear and pushed her way inside the conference room.

"Yes sir?" Y/n spoke as she walked though the main doors then slowly closing it behind her. "There you are, I have a mission case for you but I'm afraid this will take at least a couple of months. You ready to take the lead again?" Shepherds voice came through the video call. Y/n eyes glared across the room and notice that Price, Ghost, MacTevish, Gaz and a few others are now standing across from the table.

"Okay Im up for anything sir." She spoke while approaching the laptop. "I figure you would say that. I have a case of a terrorist man name Hassan Zyani, he's been found recently with American made weapons just far off Iran. We tracked him moving up to the Border of Mexico and in the U.S. the Main location in Al Mazrah. We need you, C/M to go back into the U.S and meet up with a man name Alejandro Verges from there you'll be under his watch and serve it right.
C/M it's your job to capture Hassan and bring him back alive as of now, I'll have Price hand out your report and you will be shipped off in a few days. Nothing more to say but a good luck Kid. Well be guiding you along the way, over." Shepherd ended his conversation with the girl. She then has been handed her files and scanned the details inside it. From there she was able to get in contact with Alejandro and set up everything that will be go down in a few days or months.

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