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The last mission had taken a toll for the Task Force, but with a bit of luck they managed to pull through. Some came back while others are left to defend for themselves. Nothing to worry the 1-4-1 are still together, now pulling their weight to later retrieved their men's.

It was a warm afternoon almost close to night fall as y/n and Ghost set out to hangout with Soup, Gaz and even Price were in the lounge. Y/n walked beside the tall masked man as their hands lingering beside each other or occasionally his own ringed finger holding onto her ringed finger. The two entered the room as they approached the group.

Now far away greeted Soap. "Hey C/N, Ghost." The Scottish man welcomed,
y/n had now let ghost go and waved her hand. Immediately the boys eyes caught the silver ring on her hand. "We'll I be damn." Soap calmed with excitement, leaving Y/n with shy smile.

"Congratulations." Gaz spoke next as he nods her way with appreciation. "You did a great job mate." Price spoke to Ghost as he was then appreciated by the guys.

"Took you two long enough but not going to lie, I'm saying this right now but... I call best man." Soap spoke out with a playful smirked while Y/n facepalmed at the reply, making everyone laugh. The 1-4-1 all joined together for the remaining of the night talking about the feature and other things that's been bugging them.

At night y/n was seated at her desk talking on the phone to her parents once hearing the news that their youngest child had gotten engaged. They where very happy that she somehow found a man that was very tough to crack and managed to pull him for her own. Not to lie but I think her parents like Simon already.

"Hija, vuelve a casa pronto, nos encantaría conocer a tu marido en persona." Y/M spoke on the phone. Y/n let out a smile then replied. "I will, just not right now. Work is getting tougher each day, but I promise when we get a break , I-We will return and him meet you all." Y/n said as she then eye her door that was being opened.

Ghost had walked in and waved as he noticed she was on the phone. Y/n had spent a few more minutes on the phone before deciding to end the call for the night. "Vale, tendremos que llamarte en otro momento, it's getting late but it was nice talking. Miss you all so much.... Bye." Y/n spoke as she then hanged up the line. Y/n sighed as she threw herself against her chair.

"How was it?" Ghost asked as he then removed his mask and rest it on the night stand. "It was good, asked about the wedding plans... which don't get me started on that, I don't want to do that right now. Oh they asked about us spending our next break with them, they want to actually meet you in person." Y/n spoke as she then head him groaned a bit.

"I like your parents, but I think I'm not ready to do that yet." He swats as he then started to undress for the night. Y/n rubbed her face before hearing the jingles of his belt ring in her ears. Y/n then got up and changed herself, only resting in one of his shirt and some shorts.

It wasn't long until Simon called her for bed. "Love, come to bed, it's getting late." He called and y/n just nods. "I'm coming..." she replied as he patted the spot next to him. The girl now made her way to the bed and slipped into the cover, the lights then turned off. Ghost now resting his head in between her neck as he latched himself to her for the night.

"Good night, mi amor." Y/n claimed reaching up to kiss his head. "Sleep well, Y/N Riley." The man mumbles into her skin, leaving the girl flabbergasted at the sudden name. Sleep then overtook their bodies and let them rest well.

"Come on ghost let's go grabe a drink, it's been a while and I need one right now." Soap asked as he approached the tall man who had just stepped out from the conference room. Ghost thought about it before actually agreeing to go. Soap gathered Gaz while Ghost dragged y/n along with him. The four had now made their way to the local bar and entered the building, reaching their choice of seatings.

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