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"The missiles where never in Spain. The guidance system were." Laswell spoken to Price over the voice call. "Guidance system? Where the hell did they get those?" Asked Price in a confused tone.

"Russians." Was all Laswell said. "Where are they now?" Price asked again. "There are on the missiles." Laswell said sounding worried. "And aside from Hassan, there's only one person who knows where to find them." Laswell said before sending him a link.

"La casa de Sin Nombre?" Soap said in his Spanish. "No, One if his Lugartenientes." Alejandro spoke while looking out from his binocular. "A cartel Lieutenant." Soap blurted out. "Ooh way to go soap, now you're learning." C/n joked with a bit of sarcasm as soap lightly shoved her way. "My sources tell me the VIPs in Las Almas will be there tonight. Some are involved, others are umm..." Alejandro dragged the last wordings. "Volun-told?" Graves joins in. "Yah more or less." Alejandro said while still looking out.

"What's the meet about?" Graves said now looking at the girl across from him. The girl just faced the shadow leader before answering. "Us." Was all she said. "Las Almas is burning and they want to know who lit the fire." Alejandro said with all seriousness.

"Sin Nombre will be there Yah?" Ghost asked. "If our luck is right, then he'll be here tonight." C/n said back while keeping her eyes out at the mansion in front. "It's a win if we take down the cartels, but capturing El Sin Nombre is a challenge game." Alejandro spoke before giving out this layout of the plan.

"I'll take Soap with me into the building while Ghost, C/N and Graves clear any outside watchers from out here. Then we'll alerted you all if we find anything that will give us any clues of Sin Nombre or the missile." Alejandro said before everyone split up. "Great." Ghost mentioned before stepping away.

Step one- drop Soap off at the front door. Step two- Alejandro and Soap go inside and meets the owner. Step three- killer mode for C/n and Ghost. Final action, step four- bring in El Sin Nombre.

"Shadows on station." Came the voice of Phillip Graves. "Copy, we're all set here too." Ghost spoke back.  "Seeing room to set down on the roof." Graves said. "Check... Eyes on two, armed at the front door." Ghost mentioned.

"Alejandro, how you doin?" Now called Graves to him. "Uno Vaquero, inside." Alejandro said. "Damn how do you do that?" Graves spoke. Just then y/n spoke into the line. "Never in a nice way possible." She said in facts. "Got my eyes on Soap." Ghost spoke changing the topic. "Moments of truth. Stay safe frosty boys." C/n spoken before signing off.

"They see him?" Alejandro asked into the comms. "They do now." Ghost said in his low voice. After a few minutes, Soap was then bagged and taken indoors by the guards outdoors.

After a few minutes had passed as the links then came back to life. "Ghost we're in." Soap spoken. "What you got Soap?" The girl cuts in. "El Sin Nombre is in the penthouse, third floor." Soap claims. "We need Diego's key card to get in." Alejandro joined in as well. "Where's Diego?" Ghost mentioned the name. "The ofrenda, second floor."Alejandro commented.

"You seeing anything LT?" Soap asked ghost. Ghost took a minute to glance away to see y/n now scouting the area. "If you can scout a way to the roof. There are access to the penthouse." Ghost adds.

"Okay, I'm headed upstairs either way." Soap said in his low tone as the cartels makes their walk around the area. "Cuidado, hermano. Guards find you up there- or in the garage- they'll shoot on sight." Alejandro said as a warning. "What's in there?" Soap asked confused while now making it to the outdoor patio. "No idea, but it must be important to Diego." Alejandro said back while following Soap. "Find El Sin Nombre and let's get this done. Out over." Ghost said before ending the conversation.

Y/n was occupying herself with cleaning her knife. "Hey LT." She questioned before placing her knife down. "you wanna battle me in arm wrestling?"
She blurred out of boredom. Ghost just stood over her before thinking about it. "Yah Okay, but I'll win you." He mocks while approaching the girl and the two settled over a large bolder. The two did a couple of rounds and Ghost would always win. "See." Ghost said still pining her hand to the bolder.

"Yah whatever." Y/n said out of jealousy of losing against him. She mean obvious his masculine arm was his key to power strength but still. Y/n pushed her body away from the setting and glanced out into the distance. Ghost eyes yet again followed y/n body as she then moves away.

Ghost just sigh before backing away as well. "Good game." He said eyeing the girl down once choosing to stand next to the girl yet again, their hight difference was very noticeable. "Whatever makes you sleep at night, LT. But I'll beat you next time." She spoke while smiling. "You always say that." Ghost scoffed a bit but felt y/n glared him down. Y/n and Ghost then let out a breather as they sit in the basking silence.

"Ghost. There's many armed guards blocking my way, send back up." Alejandro called out through the radio link. "On it, c/n and I are now approaching the building." Ghost said before commanding her to head out.  "Do this quickly." Ghost asked while facing the girl. "Always do." She says before walking carefully down to a group of guards that was a bit far from their hiding place. "Your still naïve kid." He said to himself before running off to join the girl.

From that small side task, the two made their way up to the patio of the mansion. Soap and Alejandro now chasing after a woman, Ghost and y/n spent time on taking down the remaining guards on the patio. Once finished, Ghost removed the knife that belonged to c/n. Ghost looked over the knife and took in the familiar prints and designs that was carved into it. It was a gift to her from an old buddy of hers.

"El Sin Nombre is on the run. Heading your way be ready to stop her!" Soap calls out. "On it." Ghost mentioned. Not long after that the doors where thrown opened and out came a woman running. "That's her?" Ghost said while now pointing at the fast figure. Y/n immediately dashed behind the familiar woman and tackled her to the ground, successfully pinning her down. "Let go of me!" Valeria shouts. "El Sin Nombre's down, I got her pined." C/n claimed though the comms. Y/n shifted the woman onto her knees before holding her gun against her head. "Valeria?" Y/n spoke once seeing her face up close.

"Yes! great job kid." Alejandro said while approaching the two girls. Finally putting Valeria in handcuffs. "Graves, fly down and took the woman for interrogation." Soap called through the comms. "Roger that!" Graves voice called back through.  Y/n watched as Valeria was transported onto the heli, and for some reason she noticed how she then looking back... towards Alejandro. While he too was glaring at her.

*Spanish sentence's translation.*


Mi fantasma
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