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Once Alejandro and his team hit land they quick discover how close they are to finding the wanted Cartels. Quickly all three crouched down and turned off any form of light. So they can remain hidden in the darkness. Luckily for C/Ms uniform, she bland in with her surroundings either way. Her mask silently muffled her breaths.

"Escucha." Alejandro whispered to his group. "Los cárteles mueven a Hassan rápidamente." He claims while taking cover. "Todavía podemos atraparlos antes de que crucen." Rodolfo reassure back. "Recibido" Alejandro spoke while now giving the clearance to move forward. "La frontera está por delante, prepárate." Alejandro commands.

"El cártel de Las Almas trabajando con Irán... This is new ground." Rodolfo spoken. "And if Hassan crosses?" He asked. "Las tácticas cambian." C/M spoke in her revealed thick Spanish accent.

That left Alejandro and Rodolfo in a quick surprise state. "Que? No esperabas que hablara español?" She spoke while move through the fallen obstacles that were now in her way. Just then being faces to faced with the wall and on the very top was Hassan stepping over to get onto the other side. They have arrived a late to the party.
"MIERDA!" Both Alejandro and C/M said in union.

"Watcher, the target crossed. He is on the move. We're pursuing." The girl spoke through her comms. "C/M that's not advisable. You has no authority or assets in the area." Laswell voice demands. "We know, just keep pushing the FBI and contact local PD, Out." Alejandro cuts in.

"C/M and Rodolfo, use the ladder. Move it!" Pressured Alejandro quickly. One by one they all claimed to the very top of the wall and just glanced around the area. "Any visuals?" Alejandro said as he was the last one to clime up. "Negative sir. He must of ran off." C/M spoken in a upset tone. Alejandro just hums before speaking. "We're going after him. Let's go." He said before sliding down the other side of the wall. All three now ran on foot to a near by neighborhood owned by many Americans.

"Míralo. Los cárteles lo trasladarán a una casa de escondite en la zona. Tendremos que encontrarlo primero." Alejandro said while being alerted of his surroundings. "Roger that." C/M and Rodolfo claimed while also doing the same.

Moving behind corners and cemented walls they stalked up to a house that looked to be the stash home that Alejandro mentioned. Before they could each get into it properly the three of them suddenly got ambushed by a truck filled with man's firing their guns. Y/n was quick to hid her body out of the way of the incoming bullets. She cranked her gun and fired back towards the truck and successfully taken down the remaining enemies.

"Vaya, dónde aprendes a disparar así?" Alejandro jokes as he moved out from his previous spot. "Many missions." The girl said before shoving her gun over her back. The three got out there and made there way inside the nearby home. Only this time to be once again jumped on by the family who lived inside it.

"Whoa relax we're not here to hurt you. We're looking for someone!" C/M shouts while holding her knife in one hand and her free hand extended to the now panic man and woman that stood before her.

"The man who came through here? Where is he?" Rodolfo question the strangers. "Hold it!" Rodolfo shouts before the guy now raised a gun and shot bullets around wildly. One of those bullet had grazed y/ns upper arm while Alejandro and Rodolfo shot the back stabber down. "C/M, estás bien?" Alejandro said while looking at the girl with a concerning look. "Yah I'm fine." She said while injecting herself with a regeneration medicine.

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