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"Y/n! Come on, try to keep up yah." Shouted a man name John McTavish or better known as soap.
"I'm way ahead of you Sergeant."
A woman shouted back while running her way through a field filled with flying bullets.

Soap took a moment to actually notice her way ahead of him. "I don't remember you being so fast." He claim while now perching behind a concrete wall.

"We known each other for years and you still can't remember much of me." Y/n spoke as she threw a smoke grenade. "C/n cover me!" Her teammates now called for her as she quickly turned away from her previous spot. "On it!" She replied taking cover once more.

The battle zone was now litters with fallen bodies and loads of weaponry.
Y/n had ran to the very top of the hill and looked downward. The wind blew across her exposed face that was half covered by a cloth to blocks out the fight smoke and dirt.

"We're clear, all enemy are down!."
The woman spoke through her linked communicator. "Got that. Thanks." Her boss, Captain Price replied. "Let's pack up and head back to base." He adds before ending the line.

Y/n slid her way down the hill before reaching her best friend Soaps side. The two shared a fist bump for another day of a successful mission.

"Good work C/N." Soap spoke up while throwing his gun over his shoulder. Y/n just nods before doing the same.

The two now made their way back with the rest of the crew.

Now being seated inside the carrier of the aircraft, both Y/N and Soap where competing in a game of thumb wars.
Y/n just happened to be the champion at it because she mastered ways to beat Soap simply because he was too slow.

"Ha! Another win for the book." Y/n shouts in triumph. Soap groaned at the fact that he had lost, yet her.

"You cheater." He mumbles as he playfully rolls his eyes. Y/n just smiled before playfully punching his arm. "Don't be down MacTavish. You'll beat me... eventually." Y/n teased while now resting her head against his shoulder, soap rolled his eyes at her.

"Yah, yah. Whatever you say. I'll win yah next round." He said before resting his back against the hard metal wall. The rest of the team was also resting as they flew back to main base.

Once arriving onto the landing pads, everyone had gathered their belongings and stepped off. The feeling of returning to base alway came with excitement. Reason for that is because after every good mission, Price would gives them a day off to "relax" before being put out to work again.

"Y/n! You want to join us for drinks?" Soap spoke while pointing to his group of friends. His buddy consisted of Gaz, Price and Ghost.

Y/n glared at all the guys before resting her eyes on the tall buffed man wearing a make shift skull mask. "Yah I'm in." She said before feeling herself being pulled on by Soap. Y/n giggles, she always enjoyed going to any outings with them.

Once at the local bar, everyone claims their own seating and began ordering drinks. Y/n isn't a heavy drinker like Soap and possibly anyone else. She like to savor the flavors.

"Y/n try this one, it's new on the menu." Soap spoke while raising a small shot glass her way. Y/n raised one eyebrow while looking at it.

"What is this?" She asked before dragging the cup under her nose to smell it, the smell immediately hitting her like a punch.

"Something, but I bet you can't drink this down in one go." Soap said while eyeing the small glass cup then at her. Y/n looks down before debating if she should drink it or pass it, knowing how her system would reject it fast.

"Don't do it." Gaz spoke while sipping his own drink. Y/n side eyed the guy before picking up the glass. "Try it, prove your worthy." Ghost teased the girl as he actually wanted to see what she'll do just to amuse his entertainment.

Y/Ns didn't know the big mistake she just made by accepting the Bet. "Fuck it, always gotta try something new once in a while, right?" She spoke before slurping the liquor and it burns her throat as it slides down and settle in her stomach. Y/n tried not to make a face but it's was very much pure.

That drink lingers up in her throat as she tried to keep it down a bit longer.

"You actually drink it down?" Ghost mumbled while keeping his hands on the table beside him. With that being said, y/n could now feel her stomach regurgitating the drink back up. Signaling that her stomach isn't suited for super strong mixed drinks.

Y/n felt sick as she then covers her mouth. "Oh nope spoke to soon." Gaz said eyeing the girl as she rushed up from her seat.

"Oh shit, she's gonna puke!." Soap said once seeing the girl now dashed away from the table. She in fact spit the drink out.

Once done she cleaned herself off then walked back out with her face still upset from that awful taste.

"You good? I've told you not to drink it." Gaz checked up on her as he put his hands in her shoulder softly.

Y/n just nods. "I'm fine now, and I learned to stick to what I'm used to." She said mentioning to that drink.

"Never having that again." She jokes lightly before climbing back into her seat. Ghost on the other hand had ordered her usually while she was away.

"Sorry, but this is my way to gain a win in the book, my drinking game." Soap mocks before drinking the same liquor while taking the seat next to her.

"Fuck off McTavish." She spoke back playfully before chugging her new drink, hoping to settle the after taste.

Everyone laughs beside Ghost, his own eyes scanned the girls face to make sure she was really alright before going back to minding his business.

Hours later has passed and price had stood up. "Come on fellas, it's getting late. Let's head back to base." Price spoke before paying the tabs. "Noo, I wanna stay." Soap whines as he sips his final beer of the night.

"To sad, let's go or I'll make you get on those pesky files you hate doing so much." Price teased and the first one up was y/n and Gaz. "Come on let's go!" Y/n said and stared to head out. "Fine, just because I don't wanna do them on my days off." Soap said while now heading out.

Ghost followed along before they had to squish into a car they all came in, both his and y/ns knees touched because of the lack of room.

*Spanish sentence's translation.*

Mi fantasma
Edited: 6

Man I can't decide on a story base line. I went through like 4 story changes and I'm just gonna keep this one.

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