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The Vaqueros had driven into a small town just outside the skits of Las Alma's, claimed to be over run by Cartels.

"Alright let's move, weapons hot Vaqueros!" Alejandro gave the signal to prepare for action. Everyone had now splited into their groups. Y/n made her way to knelt behind a concrete wall, following along with Ghost who now stood over her with his gun up and ready. "Todos los vencedores. Para... en 3,2,1... Ejecutar!" Alejandro calmly announce through comms before preparing to kick open the black metal gate that opens to the town. There was no sudden movements.

"All clear, move in!" C/N spoke once noticing the emptiness of the area. "Civilians?" Ghost asked confused as to seeing the village being certainly abandoned. "Their gone when the Cartels took over, this is their territory now." She said with furtive as she then glanced between any buildings for any signs of at least one person. They all gathered around another gate and waited for any signals from Alejandro.

"Gente por delante. Dispara a voluntad." Alejandro said once barging in with Ghost, Soap and C/N, ready to fire at the now alerted enemies. Y/N quickly hid behind wooden fence to protect themselves from any of the attackers. "C/N sweep the house on your left, Soap to the right." Alejandro spoke through comms.

"On it." Both c/n and Soap said before looking out and gave an 'all clear' signal to presume. Y/n slowly pushed opened the unhinged doors and was meet with a bullet almost hitting her on contact.

"Fuck!" She said before aiming for the man's head, his body dropping to the floor. "You Good?" Soaps voice ringing in her head.

"I'm good Sergeant. Almost had me there." She said before continuing to enter the small building. Glancing at all the small decorations and empty rooms, it seems that it was left untouched.
Now ready to move throughout the small abandoned home. Alejandro had stopped y/n from opening that one set of back doors just because of seeing a mass group of armed guys on the other side.

"Víctor-2, esto es 1-1, envía a tus tropas para barrer el área." Alejandro calls for Rodolfos help. "Recibido, entrando ahora." The line spoke back. Alejandro them nods as he side eyed the girl besides him. "On me C/N." Alejandro spoke before launching a smoke grenade through the door.

Soap then makes his way inside the next house. Y/N and Ghost followed right behind. Right away they sweep the first floor clean, now preparing to head upstairs. As y/n made her way up the steps she held her knife close to her and noticed that one of the guys had his back turned to her, so she took that chance to attack him down.

She wrapped her arms around his head before plunging her knife into his neck. Then she ducked when a new set of bullets came out from one of the unchecked rooms. Y/n then made her way into that same room and tackled a man that was hidden behind a small overturned table.

C/n now sat on the man's back while holding his head in a headlock with his own gun. Once again did she plunging her knife into his neck. "Damn. Nice work." Soap calls while now entering the same room seeing the girl drop the body. Y/n nods while whipped the blood on the t-shirt of the man she just killed.

Then she proceeded to linger around with the boys. Ghost just seen bits of her tactics being played out and boy was he a bit taken back. He's used to seen shit play out all the time but never acknowledged how she's thrills into getting the job done. "Fucking hell." Ghost talked to himself as he now stalked back to the group.

"Todos los Victors, la construcción de objetivos está segura. Negative on Hassan." Alejandro voice rang through the comm link. "Roger that." Rodolfo came through as well. "They must've move him." C/n sighed while approaching a large windowsill.

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