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Y/N was forced to stay back for the rest of the hunt because of the increasing pain she had been dealing with. Even though she tried to prove that she can keep going the boys don't wanna risk her getting worse, we'll Soap didn't let her. "Don't worry you can come to the send off once we get Hassan." Soap said through the comms. "Fine... Stay safe out there, out." She said giving in with bit of an annoyance expression.

It's didn't take all day for the boys to retreat the target and they returned to the truck. Outside the truck stood y/n and Graves chatting before their attention was taken over by the guys that now returned. "Wow, you actually did it." C/n said with a smile even though her mask hides it away. "I see you're healing just fine." Soap spoke while shoving the wanted target into the back seat of the truck. y/n just nods while looking at her fixed up wound then eyeing ghost who been glaring at her.

"Let's take this somewhere privately." Grave voice spoke up while waving off from his shadows to the boys in the truck. "On it." Alejandro said while now taking the drivers seat. Soap stayed in the back with the target while y/n took her seating outside the truck only this time Ghost tagged along with her by sitting across from her, their legs in between each other's due to the amount of room. The two didn't say a word for a few minutes as they take off to who knows where in the dimly light.

They ride into the dusk of night and it was a bit awkward between the two coworkers. "How are you holding up?" Ghost spoke while eyeing the girl in front of him. The road was a bit bumpy so the two of them lightly jumped around here and there. "Oh I'm great. This just adds to my battle scars." She joked while eyeing the moving surrounding behind his figure.

Ghost can scenes how shes avoiding him at all cost but for what? Was she alway scared of him or just being intimidated?

"Not your first huh?" He said while struggling to hold a conversation with the girl who never speak so much. "Yah, ever since I've been out here, I've only gotten shot about 2 times with 5 close calls." She said while Letting out a sigh of stress. Y/n took her que and zipped her mouth then fidget with her vest. The two fell in silence as the warm air of Las Almas flowed against their masked bodies. Y/n closed her eyes as she relaxed to the wind flow that squeeze through the areas that aren't covered. A bit to comfortable that she started to pulled down her mask.

"I just love the warm weather here. Don't you?" She spoke while smiling at the man across from her. Just then as she wasn't getting any answers from the Lieutenant himself, she looked back at him confused. "Ghost?" She asked while now catching Ghost keeping his gaze on her face. Not one sound was made by Ghost as he now snapped out of his trance once realizing that she now looked back at him with concern.

Ghost turned his head to look the other way, not wanting to study her further more. "Those scars? On the lower jaw their new, I don't remember them." He blabbered out. Y/n raised her hand under her chin. "Oh yah, ran into El Sin Nombre peoples, but it's nothing really." She spoke before returning to her silent state.

The truck had finally slowed down and halted to a stop. Right away y/n put back on her mask and jumped out from the back of the truck. Y/n and Ghost stood next to each other, ready with their hands on their gun just in case.

"Get out!" Soap calls while pulling Hassan who now had a black bag over his head out from the truck. "On your knees." Soap commands while forcing Hassan to the ground. "Oh? Hostil now." C/N spoke to herself as her eye snapped toward the two.

Her eyes rest on the man as soon as the bag was removed. Everyone now surrounded the man while Graves set up the video call with general shepherd and Laswell. "Photo clear!" shepherd spoke as his faces pops up on the screen. "Alright we're live. Folks." Graves said while returning with the others.

"Do you speak Arabic?" Hassan said to Graves. "No." Grace gave out before stopping in front of the guy. "Of course not." Hassan smiles. "I'll use your pathetic Medieval English because you are all uneducated street dogs." Hassan spoke with venom. This caused c/n to get angry and she quickly pulled out her knife and step towards Hassan but she was stoped by Alejandro. "No, not now." Alejandro commands while pushing the girls hand away.

"Ahh see... we're getting off to a bad start here, Hassan." Graves said while shaking his head. "You talking to a Quds Force officer." Hassan spoke back. "You're the commander of a foreign terror organization." Graves said giving Hassan a heard glare.

"I can say the same to you." Hassan spoke. "What your target. "Major"? Graves snapped at the man. "What was your target when they sent missiles to my land?" Hassan kept fighting back. "Wild guess... to nail your ass." Graves sent the same energy back once again.

"So insolent and foul-mouth. You will learn to respect me when your nation sees fire." Hassan threatened. Y/n was then released as she walked up to Hassan. "Mother fucker, you won't do shit after I carve my name into your skin." She gritted through her teeth while also holding up her knife at the brinks of the guy's neck. "Now, you are the one in bed with the Cartels. If you ever do disappeared. No one will know where to look for the fucking stains." C/n spoke while resting the tip of her blade on Hassan adam apple. The man just scoffs while eyeing the girl's covered face.

"I have no doubt you'll take pleasure in torturing me." Hassan smirked at the girl. Y/n forced the guys head back further before leaning closer to him. "Oh trust me. I'll paint the sand with your blood." She threatened in all seriousness. "Enough, that's an order." Soap called out once realizing that she won't back down. The girl let Hassan go and backed up as soap then walked in front of the man.

"Who'd you get the American missiles from?" Soap adds before getting jumped by the laptops voice. "I don't care who they're from. I wanna know where they're going." Shepherd spoke out. Just then the group goes quite, nothing but the echos of the wild coyotes nearby by, hungry for food. "Take a look around, Hassan." Spoke Graves once more "Now you can either become part of the food chain or you can start talking." Graves now crouched down in front the man.

"I'm a Hostage here. This is illegal." Hassan tried to pull that safety card. "You're a prisoner of war." Alejandro cuts in. "Iran is not at war with Mexico. I've broken no laws. These men and their commanders are the law beakers." Hassan mentioned before turning his head at Alejandro way. "I want this bastard in permanent custody or looking up at the goddamn grass!" Shepherd spoke through his side of the video call.

"General, killing Hassan is an act of war. Keeping him is illegal. Right now, he is too hot to hold." Laswell spoke through the call. She was right, non of us could do anything to him. "Fuck this." C/n spoke in a low voice before stepping out of the circle. Ghost eyes followed y/ns angry figure before choosing to return to his work duty.

They had to let Hassan go, after they taped his phone for locations. From there they hoped back into the truck and headed back to base. In just two days they'll be back out there to hunt down the missile locations.

*Spanish sentence's translation.*


Mi fantasma
Edited: 6

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