Chapter 4 - The Results Are In! (Updated)

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"Satoru...... Thank.... you......"




"Aaaahhhhhh!" Waking up with a start, as a distant frail voice echoes in my mind. There is only one thing that my mind can think of when I hear that voice. Tears well up in my eyes, as I'm reminded of a painful memory.

".... Shizu...."

The name I haven't heard in a while, and one of the few people I miss the most. One I have regrets, promises and goals to achieve for. Wiping the tears from my face, not really noticing or caring I'm in human form. My mind can't help but go back over all the memories I had with her.

("Damn it.... I..... I dreamt about her again huh?") It's started to become a reoccurring dream as of late, in the past couple of years. Not all the time mind you, but it seems my mind can't let me forget. Which I'm glad for, as I never want to forget her.

Kicking the bedcover off me, I wouldn't bother changing form right now. Throwing on a white shirt and blue shorts, I'd groggily leave my room. Much like a zombie, but instead of searching for brains and is looking for gains. In the shape of food. Rubbing my eyes as I slowly walk into the hallway that would lead to the stairs that go down to ground level. Once there, it would be off to the kitchen. Opening the fridge door revealing a fully stocked double-sized American fridge. You know, one that had double doors. There would be one just like it, next to it. But that's the freezer.

Anyway, looking at all the produce. While I could have anything from meats to salads, to a variety of both. Right now, I'm just craving a simple bow of cereal. Yeah, it's not exciting but, sometimes one just wants something quick and easy. So I grabbed one of the bottles of milk, taking it over to the counter. So I can grab a bowl from one of the overhead cupboards, and the box from under the counter.

I'd be faced with a problem, well IF I was normal anyway. That being, I'm small. As I can't even reach the bottom of the cupboard on my tiptoes, never mind the handle. Thankfully, I am a slime person. I can inflate myself temporarily, though I would deflate once concentration on staying inflated is lost. Hence why I'm small rather than just being always tall. Anyway, a quick brief change in my height. And I'd have what I want in my hands.

Putting unwanted stuff away, then going to the living room/dining room area with my haul, I'd sit on one of the L-shaped sofas. Munching on the cereal as I lazily turn my attention towards the TV hanging on the wall. Lazily flicking through the channels seeing if anything took my fancy.

After finishing the cereal, cleaning the bowl in the kitchen sink, and putting it back in the drawer I can't reach without cheating. There would come a sound we all know, the opening of the letterbox and something falling to the floor. Using sub-ability of my slime quirk, Magic Sense. I'd look towards the front door. There at the foot of it, is a plain white letter.

"R-Rimuru! It's here! It's here! Here!" Suddenly an excited Velzard came bounding towards me, letter in hand. She must have just woke up, as she's still in her PJ'S. Light blue jumper and pants, with cute puffy white clouds on them. Her hair is also all over the place, bedhead one might say.

"Ahh!" She may have been a bit too excited, as she crashed into me and we both turned the corner. Sending up both on our asses. Sitting up with a groan, a letter is all but shoved in front of my face.

"Sorry, Hehe. Well, are you going to open it?" Velzard beams as she appears to be more excited than I am.

"Good morning to you as well, and yeah of course am I" I return with equal excitement, as I truly am. Not about doing any schooling that's similar in any shape or form, to schooling in my original world though. If I have to do maths again, I think I may cry. Even if I'm good at it.

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