Chapter 5 - First Day (Updated)

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"So this is the uniform huh?" I ask myself as I look at the uniform the school had sent me. As it lays neatly laid out on my bed. While I think it's a nice-looking school uniform, not as bland as I remember the ones back in my original world. With its light grey jacket that has dark green highlights and gold buttons. A plain white shirt for underneath along with a red tie. That would be totally fine, no it's what makes up the lower half of the uniform that has me blushing a little as I look at it. While I am female, now anyway, the skirt while a nice green that I like the colour of. It seems a bit... too short for my liking.

("Where skirts on girl uniforms always this short back home?") I think to myself

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("Where skirts on girl uniforms always this short back home?") I think to myself. Before shaking myself to clear my thoughts. Jiggling a little as I do so. "At least they include long socks but even then, they look more like tights. Couldn't they just give me the boy's uniform?" I sigh to myself as there's no getting out of it. Even if I could get pants instead, it's too late to change them now. At least for today. If I going to be seen in them for the first day, might as well stick with it. Otherwise, it would draw unwanted attention.

Going over to the uniform and taking it into my slime body, I'd absorb the uniform. Adding it to my collection of clothing. At least I don't need a wardrobe for clothes. Jumping up into the air and changing into my human form. The outfit would hug my body just fine. Not too tight or loose, perfect fit. Though, my attention still goes to the skirt.

Looking in the long mirror to the side, the skirt is only just long enough by an inch or two to cover my rear. "Damn it......" still blushing, I would sigh again. Before clapping my face cheeks with my hands. "Apart from the skirt, I got to say, I do look good in this." I say as I admire how I look.

<"Notice, when one is done admiring themselves. They should know class starts in 50 minutes and the last bus is to arrive at the nearby bus stop in 3 minutes."> Raphael pipes up suddenly.

"Oh, Crap! I'm going to be late. And you know it's now like that Raphael!" Quickly grabbing my simple brown school bag, phone, and shoes. I'd be heading out the door, in order to catch the bus. Though I have to run it to the bus stop. I just about made it.

The bus itself was jam-packed, as this bus is only for UA students. There would be no seats left on the single-floor bus. So I would have to stand next to a group of other students. While they talked about how excited they were, and stuff like that. Thankfully it didn't take too long to arrive, about a 30-minute commute. Mainly thanks to traffic.

Stepping off the bus, I'd be just as impressed as last time. ("Going to take getting used to seeing this...") I think to myself. As I admire but speed walk to my first class. Using the signs on the walls in order to find it.

"1A.... 1A.... not here.... or here.... 1B... I must be close, Ah here it is" finally standing outside of the door. I can't help but notice just how big it is ("That's what she said"). Chuckling to myself at my immature humour. Hey, you gotta make yourself laugh at times. Besides, it helps me to relax. Taking a deep breath, a hand of the door later, opening it would reveal a mostly full class. Most of them seem to be talking to each other.

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