Chapter 13 - The Rematch

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"Woah! Here we go folks! The final match you've been waiting for! The Explosive Genius Katsuki Bakugo! Versus! The underdog, The rising star, Izuku Midoriya!"

Present Mic excitedly yells over the speakers. The once subdued audience is now bouncing with anticipation for this match. As the previous ones didn't disappoint. With the crowd roaring the two competitors emerge from the tunnels.

Midoriya would look like a ball of nerves, stiff, and quiet clearly scared of what's to come. But who can blame him, he is going up against his childhood bully.

Speaking of, Bakugo would be calmly glaring at his opponent. His area not giving an inch to nerves, indecisiveness, or panic in any shape or form. As the blonde teenager believed in every fibre of his being he was going to win this and destroy Deku.

Both of them had their plans, and both have an amazing quirk, but only one can win. As they reach the steps to the ring. A few Shouts from the crowd can be heard, as people voice their support for their favorite. Or even the one they may or may not have bet on winning.

"Bakugo! Bakugo! Bakugo!"
"Show them what you're made of, Midoriya! And win me my earnings mwhahaha!"
"Get him Bakugo! Blow him to smithereens!" That one would make Midoriya flinch and repeat it in his head. While most seemed to be on Bokugo's side, thankfully there were some on Midoriya's side.

"Who do you think is going to win?"
"Well, you can't go wrong with the explosion kid. He's got amazing control and power. But...."
"Yeah, the other kid showed promise, till he injured himself. Who's going to want an apprentice that injures themselves by using their quirk?"
"Don't be so harsh on the lad, he certainly got guts! Besides"
"He clearly was in pain but carried on fighting through it. That takes a massive amount of willpower."

Murmured the crowd as they discussed the two fighters among themselves, while they wait. Each putting forward good points as to which one may win.

"Welcome back you two, I hope you thought of a good game plan to win this shindig. Now! I want a fair clean fight from the both of you! No seriously injuring the other or yourself! Other than that....." Midnight stands to the side, talking to the pair. Giving them a brief rundown. As she raises her feathered whip, getting ready to shout.

"BEGIN!" Present Mic beats her to it. However, rather than attacking each other straight away, the pair would stare the other down. Getting into fighting stances, Bakugo is in a more ready-to-attack stance, and Midoriya obviously a more defensive one.

"Deku" Bakugo growls with a glare.

"Y-yes?!" Stammers Midoriya flinching at the harshness is Bokugo's voice.

"I don't know where you got this quirk from. It pisses me off when you thought I'd believe what you said before. But whether you have a quirk or not, I'm still better than you. I'm going to destroy you and prove it to everyone your just a loser!" His intense glare only increases.

"Right... loser...." Midoriya repeats quietly before shaking his head and clenching his fists closed. Looking at Bokugo with sudden determination. "No, your wrong. I'm going to give this everything I got. After all, I want to win this as well. Just you see Kacchan. I'm going to beat you...." Now that Bakugo didn't like, gritting his teeth as he listens.

"Gggrrrr!" Though he can't take it, as he launches himself straight at Midoriya before he finishes what he was saying. "DIE!" Midoriya would look up, only to see his opponent racing towards him. Currently only being only a couple of feet away.

Throwing his left hand forward, Bakugo would catch Midoriya off guard not only by his sudden charge but also because Midoriya may have been expecting something else. Bokugo would set off an explosion that pushes Midoriya back. With the latter only just defending himself from damage. By bringing his arms up to cover his chest and head.

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