Chapter 12 - Rimuru's Time To Shine

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"T-Todoroki is out of bounds! MIDORIYA ADVANCES TO THE NEXT ROUND!" Midnight Shouts, declaring the winner of this round's battle! While a certain mother cries with utter joy for her baby boy managing to win the fight.

"Aaaaaaahhhhhh!" A scream of terror suddenly echoes around the stadium, any good feelings are instantly evaporated as the smoke clears to reveal the sheer carnage that has been left in the wake of the explosion. Unlike in the anime or manga, the explosion in this timeline was bigger. With chunks of cement crashing into the stands, where the crowds of people are.

"H-help me!"
"It hurts!"
"D-daddy? D-DADDY!"
"Jefrey No!"

Came many of the cries for help, as panic quickly sets in. Many of the people in the crowds would be affected. Though depending on how much cement traveled their way, be it small chunks or big ones. There would be a major variety of injuries. From the smallest being cuts and bruises. To the deadly more serious in totally crushed limbs, crushed bodies, and the like.

"Thirteen! Call Recovery Girl NOW! All Might and the others with me!" I shout as I jump down from the VIP stand which was mostly unaffected thanks to the height from the ground it is. Quickly getting into action, I may be a monster and a demon lord. I'm not heartless, nor will I NOT sit there and do nothing. I don't even see who joins me, as I land near the nearest injured person with a thud, cracking the cement floor. As I land in the hero landing.

"Gggguurrrkkkk!" Throwing up blood, as the person in question would have a piece of cement lodged into his gut. From his appearance, I'd say he is roughly middle-aged, with brown short hair, blue eyes, yellow spandex suit with a white cape. Apart from being in a clearly plain hero suit, I'd say he looks like a normal average buff guy.

"What the? Who the frick... No. help him please!" Begged the woman holding his hand with tears in her eyes. While only having small cuts, she would seem fine. She would have blonde hair, and blue eyes, though she would be wearing a blue suit, not a hero suit but a smart suit one might expect at a job interview or something of that nature. Not that that's important right now.

"Don't worry, he'll be fine, I promise!" I say as I explode outward, quickly covering his whole body in slime. She barely gets out a word as I eat him.

"The fuck are you doing?!" She yells as tears form in her eyes. With her looking at me in anger, raising her fists, reading to punch me.

"I said I'll help him." Replying calmly, she would be able to see into my slime form. Watching helplessly as the cement dissolved quickly in her front eyes.

"P-please don't...." sobbing as she thinks he's going to be dissolved like the cement. Falling to her knees in despair.

After getting rid of the cement, I would splash him with a healing potion. A glow would emit from within me, as his injury rapidly heals over. "Bleh!" Spitting him out rather harshly but not enough to hurt. Landing on his front he would squirm before weakly getting up.

"Hhnnggg.... huh? The pain...." confused as to why the pain is gone, as well as the injury itself. He would feel his cement-free gut.

"Wwwaaahhhh!" Tears flowing freely from her eyes, the woman would launch herself bringing him into a bear-tight hug as she sobs without mercy into his chest.

"Aaaccckkk!" Not expecting the attack, the poor guy would be blind-sighted by it. As he is squeezed tight by her hug.

"Your okay! I'm so glad! Wwaaaahhhh!" Tears would flow out of her eyes like mini waterfalls.

"E-Everlin! Your. crushing. Me!" Going a little blue in the face, I can only hope she won't kill him after the trouble I went through to save him. Even though it really wasn't much.

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