Concept Art and Fic Progress Update

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Last time I posted was in JUNE apparently, I need to fix that-

If you're reading my current fic Journey of Metamorphosis, I'm sorry to say the first chapter is giving me more trouble than I thought it would. I have no experience writing the type of scene I'm trying to write (no spoilers >:)]. I meant to have something ready for the weekend but.... I'm about to show you the other reason why the chapter has been delayed.

I'm currently in second year of college, taking a program that will (hopefully) give me a Fine Arts Degree. With this degree, I will be able to take Computer Animation, which I've learned is my passion. Yes, I can animate in the 2D format somewhat, but I love details too much and computer animation lets me do that.

So it's the beginning of November now and I just found out the requirements for the CA portfolio. I'd planned on making sculptures for it but I needed to know more. Turns out I get a max of 20 scanned images/pictures to show them what kind of an artist I am.

Well, I love birds, dinosaurs, reptiles, dragons and anything in between, so that's what I'm putting in my portfolio and NO ONE CAN STOP MEEEEE MWUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA

I can't just start my sculptures from nothing, however. I know what I want to make, except it needs to be accurate, and for it to be accurate I need to do research first.

And here it is, without further adieu, my research thus far:

(Here I am redesigning a creature I created a long time ago for a nature-documentary like project. Now, I want to make it and others into a video game. I probably won't post more ideas after these sculptures as I don't want the info being out there in case someone comes along and says, 'hey, let me use this!'
In fact, I won't explain much either (that's how nervous I am) but I want to show you guys the cool art I've been making >:))

 I probably won't post more ideas after these sculptures as I don't want the info being out there in case someone comes along and says, 'hey, let me use this!'In fact, I won't explain much either (that's how nervous I am) but I want to show you gu...

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Thunderclanwarrior12's Sketchbook! ~2020~Where stories live. Discover now