Statue Speedrun....

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It's been a week since I last updated the statue progress and that's because I have been busy working on it! In lieu of pausing to format an update, I decided to work non-stop, and the results are worth it! 

Here are the fruits of my labour...

1) I started smoothing the face out

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1) I started smoothing the face out. I have a woodburning pen with differently shaped ends. The basic flat wedge I use for flattening like this. Technically, there should be a sanding stage, but I skipped it because I don't have the right kind of sandpaper and I think it adds a little bit of texture to the face I would normally have to manually carve in. I also started implementing the frill tendons. I would stick my woodburning pen into the sculpture, mele the filament, and quickly shove the steel wire in. If it was done right, it would cool and harden and not wiggle. Sometimes it needed a bit of help and I would melt a bit of extra filament over it to keep it in place.

 Sometimes it needed a bit of help and I would melt a bit of extra filament over it to keep it in place

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2) I was happy with how the head looked, and to add the other tendons, I needed to finish the neck. Here it is!

3) Why am I working in -7°C (19

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3) Why am I working in -7°C (19.4° F) weather?? Because the woodburning pen makes a lot of smoke and I don't want to set off the apartment building's fire alarm or pass out from the fumes... So it's time to don the mask and the closest winter gear around and hop to it.

Later I pick a better jacket and glove and pant combo, so I do away with the blankets. During this session it got to the point where I would hold the woodburning pen in such a way that my fingers would be resting on the hot metal... Normally, enough to burn (I did end up melting part of my fingerprint later, but that was an accidental touch at 350 degrees... Doesn't matter if it's Celsius or Farenheight at that point XD Be careful when using hot things!!!) but with being outside and the gloves on and my fingers slowly going numb, it feels no hotter than cupping a warm mug :)

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