♡٭*୨ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 4 ୧•*٭♡

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After that, we spent a few more hours till it was late. I told him that I lived close by, so he didn't need to go with me.

I don't know what's gotten into me lately.

For one, I just agreed to went to the arcade with Scaramouche. The same one that pushed me down the slide. Okay, to be frank we were 5.. but still.

And worse, I thought he was cute.

"Can you believe it?" Staring at the cat plushie he gave me.


"Alright kids, today only one person got the highest score."

"It's obviously you! y/n"

"Yeah! You're so smart, nobody could beat you!"

"Alright class, settle down. I'm sure you're all interested... "

"The highest score with over a 100, is..."


"Why am I talking to a stuffed animal." I went to the bathroom and changed into my pajamas, enough thinking of that. I need to tell Yoimiya this tomorrow..

Finally tucking myself in, deciding on whether or not I should have the plushie sleep with me. Obviously, it should. I don't want it to feel left out. Sure, its childish but who cares.


I woke up, what day is it again? It's still the weekends right.? Going thru my phone, a lot of messages from Ajax and Scara?

The doorbell rang. "Who is it this time." It was 7 in the morning.

I opened the door, and there he was. Standing in probably the most expensive clothes I have ever seen. "Scaramouche?"

"Hey." looking up from his phone, "What are you doing here. How'd you find my address, wait don't tell me. Childe gave it to you."

"I'm here for you"

"What?" tilting my head in confusion, "For our tutor lesson?"

"Did we agree to have a tutor session today? Why at my place??"

"I thought about it last night. And I'm sure you don't want to go out again, so why not here." walking into my living room, setting his shoes down. 'How polite.'

"..Sure, just waltz in my house." groaning a bit, wiping the tiredness out. "Thanks."

"It was sarcasm" I told him to wait in the living room, too tired to take a shower so early again. I went and just changed out of my pajamas. When I went back down, I saw him sitting just scrolling on his phone.

"Ahem."  Moving his attention away from him phone, putting it in his pockets
"Finally, what took you so long."

"It was 5 minutes." sighing, I took a seat across him. "What's the tutor session today."




"Excuse me?" I asked, my voice going a bit louder than expected.
"I thought you might react this way, so this is why we need to practice."

'What. The. Fuck'

"I understand where this is coming from, but really? Do we really need to kiss." looking down as I tried to find something to look at, "Yeah, my moms are really strict. They might make us kiss, just to prove it."

"Your moms are crazy."  scrunching my nose, "Tell me about it." 

"Uhm, so how are we going to do this." desperately avoiding his gaze, this was already awkward as it is. "I'll lean in and just act normal, like you're used to it."

'But I'm not used to it idiot. How am I supposed to kiss you; to act normal?' 
Before I knew it, he was leaning in, and it felt like time slowed down by itself.

//Doorbell ring//

We both got back to reality and looked at the door, I went up and opened it, and Childe just runs in.

"Look I'm sorry, I told Scaramouche your address. He had blackmail, but it isn't worth leaking your address."

"And-" as he was about to continue, when he saw Scaramouche sitting in my living room, quite visibly upset. 

"Ah.. was I too late then"


"Why are you here ginger." Scaramouche said annoyed. "I should ask you the same question, Scaramouche."

Looking away, it was quiet for a few seconds. Seems like he's thinking of what to say.
"Why can't I be here, Hm?"

"Well, you and y/n aren't really that close..." he continued; "Unless... You guys are hooking up behind my back!?"

I looked at him, how did he get to that conclusion?! "Ajax! What the fuck?!"

"IS IT TRUE?!?" dragging him away towards the front door. "Go out, I'll text you later!" desperately trying to push him out.

Shutting the door, before locking it. I looked at Scara who had a confused look on his face.

"So, you guys are close...?" he asked, relaxing his shoulders "You can say that..."

"You know Childe is pretty handsome." looking downwards, What the.'

"You like Childe?" letting out a gasp before covering my mouth, "What?! Where the hell did you get that idea from"

"Well, you said he looked hot." crossing my arms, "Handsome, I said handsome."

"Same thing" I said, sitting back down beside him. "What I meant was, he's pretty good looking..." he paused scratching is neck, "It's weird how you two are just friends."

"Gross. I don't like him that way." Making a throwing up face to showcase how really gross it is to date him. "Even if he was the last dude on earth."

'I mean yeah he is good looking, but honestly-'

"Not my type" shrugging it off, "What exactly is your type?"

"Aren't we supposed to learn about your family?" trying to change the subject. 'How come were talking about me now?'

"Oh, right"

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