♡٭*୨ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 5 ୧•*٭♡

43 2 0

"So, you have a sister and she's also your aunt...?" scratching my head, "Yep..."

"How the fuck does that work?" scrunching my nose, this was too much to remember.

"Ehh.. complicated..." I sighed, how is his family tree so confusing. There's only 2 days left, now that I think about it, it sounds unbelievable.

'Why did I even agree to this again, I mean it's not like I really need to do this right...?'

'I don't really need to go through all this stuff.'

Noticing he stopped talking, it was just left with awkward silence between us. I was thinking of something to say, to break the tension.

"Say, what exactly is your relationship between your moms?" He stopped what he was doing, and just stared at nothing.

"Hey? Scara...?" Waving my hand frantically in front of his face trying to pull him back into reality.

"Wha- What."

"You spaced out for a bit there, you okay?"

No response

"Sorry, it's just that.. My relationship with my moms isn't really the best.."

Hearing this sad tone in his voice really broke my heart, it sounded like he was really bothered by it.

"Uh.. ahem but enough of that, did you finish memorizing this?" Snapping back from my thoughts, I looked at him and nodded.

I gotta figure out how to reconcile them somehow, it feels like I owe him something.


It was starting to get late, we spent the whole day in my living room learning about his family. As for dinner I told him I could just buy take out. But he insisted he'd cook.


"Its rude to stare." He said while stirring the pot, He was rummaging thru my fridge trying to find something to cook, for both of us. Finally settling on pasta, he told me to set the table.

"Sorry, Its not everyday you get to see the Scaramouche cooking for you in your kitchen."
Turning back my focus to the table, grabbing 2 cups for both of us.

It wasn't too long till the pasta was ready, he grabbed a bowl of pasta and sat down in front of me. It felt like he lived here for years by how comfortable he was in my house.
"I never knew you could cook."

"I don't." I paused right before I was about to eat a mouthful of spaghetti. Was he trying to poison me?

"I just followed the instructions on the recipe. I'm sure it doesn't taste that bad." Gesturing back to the pasta. I didn't want to die just yet, and by Scaramouche of all people.

"You taste it first, a chef should always taste their dish before they serve them" I said in defense, no way was I about to be a lab rat.

"Fine." He said before grabbing a spoonful of spaghetti and eating it, looking back to me showing that there was indeed no poison in said spaghetti. 

I finally decided to try it out. It would be a waste to not eat the food, and also because I was starving.

I tasted the food, and oh my god. It tasted good. I mean all I ate these past few days were take-out so finally eating real food, it tasted like heaven.

"Mmh! This is really good" I continued on eating, probably too fast considering Scara had a worried expression.

"Slow down before you choke dumbass" he said while grabbing a glass of water for me just in case. "Sorry" I responded as I continued to eat.


7:56 PM

It was getting late, so shouldn't he be going soon. I looked back at him, and he was still here.
"And- Hey! Are you listening?" Waving his hand in front of my face.

And like a call to come back into reality I snapped back
"Ah- Uh Yeah! I am"


"Seems like you're getting tired, it's already late. I guess we'll continue this tomorrow?" Saying that he started picking up his notes and started heading to the door.

I nodded and went with him to the door, "You don't need to follow me to the streets." 

"I want to see you off, as your host I need to make sure my guest goes home safe."
He sighed, knowing I wouldn't take no for an answer. He stopped in front of a nice black car.

'Holy shit, was this his ride?'

"Okay here's my car, you can go back inside now." He said turning around.
"Wait, this is your ride?"

"Yeah, It's a gift from my parents" This dude really has it all, looks, money. Makes you wish his personality wasn't shit.

"You wanna drive it?" Giving out his keys in front of me. "Uh, no thanks. I don't have a license yet..."

"Really? Why don't you get one, it'll be useful in the future you know"?

"Don't really see myself driving, or ever having enough money to buy a car." That was met with a silence, I wouldn't say It was awkward, but he kept staring at me for a whole minute.

Then going inside his car.


I was about to go back inside, before he suddenly rolled down the window, "What are you doing outside."


"Get in idiot"

Smiling at him from my porch, I ran to the front seat and got in.

❝𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐭𝐲𝐩𝐞?❞Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora