The same place I've always been

79 3 4

You can play the song to set the mood.


Children can test one's eardrums when they laugh. Every now and then, Kayra would wince when it got too loud. She finished the birthday cake she was eating and disposed of the paper plate. When she returned to her seat, her mum whispered;

"Go talk to them."

She gestured at a group of teenagers. Kayra shook her head lightly. They were her cousins, they were her age, but they weren't that close. It would be too awkward to suddenly walk up to them.

"You can't keep doing this to yourself." Mrs. Lewis looked concerned for her daughter.

Watch me. Kayra thought.

As if to save her, one of her younger cousins ran up to them. "Kayra, play with us."

The birthday boy grabbed her arm. She smiled and got up. She had all too much experience with kids; being the oldest of many cousins. They enjoyed it when she babied them and encouraged their creativity. They always had her full attention, which was something they rarely got from busy adults.

She picked them up and spun them around, screamed with them when playing hide and seek. But within an hour she was worn out and sitting nearby as they played. She eyed the older cousins. The birthday boy's sister had invited a few friends. It's not too easy to strike up a conversation when you're known for being reserved.

She opened up her phone. She had been texting her friend earlier. They were discussing their favorite books. Specifically the ones that have, or will soon get adaptations. Her friend was very reluctant to watch the upcoming show, as this was one of her favorite series.

A:  I'd rather die

K:  Just try watching it. You'll never know how it'll be

There was a moment's pause. Kayra couldn't really blame her friend. Book to TV adaptations could be trash, treasure or anything in between.

A:  Fine. You can come over on Saturday

K:  I'll come after my hair appointment. It's at 8:30

A:  How are you gonna cut it?

K:  A wolf cut. Maybe curtain bangs. My old ones have grown out

She preferred to grow it out, but a haircut was long overdue. She momentarily looked up from her phone to entertain the kids. Everyone was inside the house, but the kids were playing on the street. When she looked back, the conversation had changed.

A:  Did you do the homework?

K:  ???

A:  Econ



Her thoughts were cut off by the birthday boy. She knew he only used that word when he wanted something. "Yeah...?"

"Can we go down the street? We'll be-"


"Whhyyyy?!" He shook impatiently like he needed to use the loo.

"You can go during the day with your parents." She looked at each of them. "But not when it's almost dark. You either play here, or I'll take you all back inside."

They pouted and resumed playing. She eyed the golden strip that outlined the rooftops. The sky above it was indigo.

There was no way she would risk taking so many kids somewhere else by herself. It was too easy to loose one of them. The only reason they were out here was because she was with them. Her thoughts were taken up by what she had ignored. Luckily, she was able to convince her parents to leave early, without much of an explanation.

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