Plenty of characters

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They had to wait for everyone to leave in order to continue. It didn't help that one of the housewardens had been absent. And it seemed like he was both a "recluse"- according to the beastman, and a big shot. The first years, upon hearing his name, began to gossip.

"Draconia... Like, Malleus Draconia? THAT Draconia?"

"So it's true? He really does go to school here?"


Just then a boy with a voice too deep for his appearance, came and took the remaining students. That left only Crowley and Kayra behind.

"Well, Kaye. This is a most unfortunate turn of events. I'm afraid that you won't be attending Night Raven College after all. Surely you realize that I cannot very well admit a student with no magical ability to my academy."

Oh well. It was good while it lasted.

"But worry not. The Dark Mirror will see you safely home."

"I hope so..." She muttered.

"Now, step into a gate, and visualize the place from whence you came."

What a long dream this was.

Kayra sighed and did as instructed. The door of the coffin closed on her. She thought of home, but the unnerving feeling of being in a coffin again never left. It was the sound of Crowley's voice that reassured her.

"O Dark Mirror! Return this soul to where it belongs!"

Nothing happened. No glowing, no magic. She didn't pass out, burn up or get sucked into anything. On top of which the mirror was also quiet.

Crowley cleared his throat. "L-let us, er... try this again. O Dark Mirror! Return this soul-"

"There is no such place."

Kayra froze. This wasn't happening.

"What?" Crowley asked.

"There is no place in this world where this soul belongs. None."

She calmed down a little. The mirror said "this world", which made sense. But this just brought her back to square one. The door of the coffin opened and she stepped out.

"How can that be? My, but today is veritable cavalcade of impossible phenomena!"

How about you tone down your veritable cavalcade of impossible language. 

The mirror said nothing. Kayra was seriously considering spilling all the tea.

"This has never happened throughout my long tenure. I must confess that I am at something of a loss. Tell me: From what land do you hail?"

"Um, Britain in the United Kingdom." She figured the word 'kingdom' would be more familiar to the headmage.

"I'm afraid I am not familiar with such a place. I am intimately acquainted with the origins of every student who has ever come here, and yet... This mysterious homeland of yours eludes me."

She side eyed the mirror. It was still silent.

"Let us go to the library and look it up, shall we?"

That's the first rational thing you've said since I got here.

• • •

Kayra thoroughly adored being back in the library. With the lights being on, she could see everything more clearly. Crowley waved the walking stick, and a number of maps and books came floating through the air. Kayra gawked as the objects surrounded the middle-aged man. He had to snap her out of it. She used one of the computers while he himself went through the records.

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