infirmary trip

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rhea grabs the chair from mia and  slags it hard into her leg. she quickly retreats as i sit up. 

"fae!!!! are you alright!!! say something!!!"
i turn to Dominic and nod as he helps me stand. despite the big headache. im alright.

"just a headache, are you alright?"

"yeah im alright. let get you backstage..."

we walk down the runway and head towards the infirmary. i sit down in the chair and the judgment day comes in. dom slams the door behind him and heads to the sink. did i do something wrong"?
I turned to rhea and nod   "thanks for saving me Ripley"

"thanks for the save right dom?"

dom turns to me and for the first time ever i see  a dark gloomy face. did i do something wrong? i was just trying to help. dom clears his throat and murmurs as he leaves the infirmary

"i have to go-"

then he slams the door behind him. i turn to Finn and then to the priest. they didn't seem to mind that he was pissed.

"arent you guys going to go after him?"

"hes having family issues its best to let him go-"

i stand up and point to the door.

"i better head home, see you guys Monday-"

i lied.

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