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That eventful Sunday morning wasn't the only time Jongho and Minyoung saw each other. The next time they met, it was Tuesday when the latter was in a hurry to get to work before the morning rush hour. Minyoung's feet pelted against the metal stairs-the sound resounding through the stairwell. Nearing the last few steps, she yelped in fright when Jongho seemingly appeared out of nowhere on the step right below her. She missed her footing and started to fall down the stairs. A shocked gasp escaped her when Jongho caught her, snaking his arm about her shoulders and hauling her flush against his strong chest.

"You okay?" he asked after giving her a moment to settle down. What he didn't expect was for Minyoung to slap him. His head whipped to the side, and his eyes widened when he felt a sharp pain and burn from the impact of her hand. Normally, if a human hit him, he would barely feel it as if they had hit him with a rubber hammer. Being slapped would feel like a finger flick. The fact he felt pain from Minyoung's slap meant that she wasn't human. Humans didn't have the strength nor supernatural force to inflict damage against what he was.

"What the fuck, Jongho?!" the fiery redhead shouted at him, angry that his sudden appearance frightened her. "Jesus bloody Christ. What are you?" (Can y'all finish that reference in the comments, please? Thanks).

"I'm-" he started to apologise and hissed in pain when Minyoung sank her teeth into his forearm, somehow able to break his skin. Pain flared up his arm, and he released her to examine the damage done. He didn't bother to chase after her as he wondered what creature she was. On her way out, she called out a "thank you." Chills went down her spine when she heard Jongho laugh. It was sinister and dark. The sound haunted her and chased her out of the building, ringing in her ears all the way to work.

Later that afternoon when Minyoung returned from work, apologising to Jongho for how the morning went was of utmost importance to her, yet that didn't stop her from changing out of her work clothes into a comfier outfit. Shoving her keys into the pocket of her zipped hoodie, she exited her apartment and knocked on the door to Jongho's place. Minyoung gave him a moment in case he was somewhere in his apartment before knocking again. This time she called out his name only to receive no answer. She repeated the actions once more, and when she heard nothing from him, she tried the doorknob. Much to her surprise, the door swung open inwards.

Oh, that's not good; I hope he's alright, Minyoung thought.

"Jongho?" Minyoung called out cautiously as she stepped foot into the former's apartment, looking around to see if she could find him.

Trying again, she fully stepped inside and closed the door most of the way. As she moved around the apartment, she knocked on the doors she found and peeked inside when she got no answer. Sighing, she resigned herself to the fact he wasn't around and started for the apartment door when she saw something hidden in the corner. Advancing towards it, she was startled when Jongho appeared once again seemingly out of nowhere behind her. He softly cleared his throat to not startle her, yet she jumped in fright and whirled around to see him.

"Lord have mercy on me, Jongho!" Minyoung's pupils dilated as she wrapped her arms about her torso and rocked from one foot to the other. "I'm sorry I entered without permission. I was looking for you so that I could apologise for this morning. Although, I'm considering not to since you scared me again. At least, I didn't bite you this time."

"Ah, I'm sorry I've been jumping your nerves today," Jongho chuckled. "Even if you don't apologise, it's okay. Just don't go about biting people that hard."

"Just don't go about biting people that hard," she echoed his words. "Why aren't you telling me the opposite of that to not bite at all? Is it something you're familiar with?"

𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐂𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐌𝐘 𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄Where stories live. Discover now